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VITA ANTIQUA,                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research

VITA ANTIQUA 13, 2021. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments.
New data on flint processing of East Trypillia tribes of the Bug-Dnieper interfluve

Yevhen Pichkur
Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-5087-5548


For the first time, materials of such settlements of the East Trypillia culture as Trostyanchyk, Onopriyivka І are published. Despite approximately the same quantitative ratio, even at first glance, the materials of these two leaflets differ significantly from each other. The Trostyanchyk complex is actually blade-type: blades prevail both among production waste and among the tool kit. Flakes and tools on them dominate in Onopriyivka. If the Trostyanchyk complex can be regarded as “classic” in terms of the tool kit: retouched blades, end-scrapers, sickle inserts, perforators on blades, etc., then the Onopriyivka complex looks more primitive: retouched flakes, notched tools and scrapers on flakes, and others. In Onopriyivka, unlike Trostyanchyk, finds of weapons are completely absent. Products from Onopriyivka are made mainly of local raw materials, while in Trostyanchyk there are approximately equal parts of products from local and imported raw materials, and products from local flint are made as carefully as products from Volyn flint. At the same time, in both cases we can confidently speak of the local nature of production. This is evidenced by both the use of local flint raw material and the specific items present in both collections. In Trostyanchyk, as already mentioned, a hammerstone was found, in Onopriyivka — core-like fragments and chips of modify of  cores.

Such differences can be explained by both territorial and chronological discrepancies. Onopriyivka I is earlier, refers to the end of stage ВІ, Trostyanchyk — to the end of stage ВІІ. Trostyanchyk is located on the Southern Bug, Onopriyivka — in the Bugo-Dnieper interfluve. Although, perhaps, this situation is explained by the unevenness of the study of these sites.

In addition, materials from the Vladyslavchyk settlement are published for the first time.

Based on their analysis, using analogies from related and synchronous sites, the author tried to identify the features of the East Trypillia lithic industry in the Bug-Dnieper rivers interfluve. As it turned out, at the modern level, the identification of such features is not possible. The materials of the East Trypillia culture of the region are, on the whole, more similar to the materials of the settlements of the West Trypillia culture, than to related sites on the Southern Bug.

Keywords: East Trypillia culture, Kukuten`-Trypillya, production, flint processing, Bug-Dnieper interfluve.

Language: Ukranian


Cite as:
Pichkur, Ye. 2021. New data on flint processing of East Trypillia tribes of the Bug-Dnieper interfluve. VITA ANTIQUA, 13. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments, pp. 113-128.


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