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VITA ANTIQUA           ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research


Pavlo Shydlovskyi 1, Mykhailo Gladkikh 1
Peculiarities of spatial behaviour among bearers of the Mezhyrichian Upper Palaeolithic tradition
1 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

DOI: 10.37098/VA-2024-15-55-66


Sites of Mezhyrichian tradition of the Middle Dnieper Epigravettian provide critical insights into the seasonal mobility and functional use of space by prehistoric communities. The study of the Dwelling 4 at the Mezhyrich settlement has unveiled distinct patterns in the organization of living space, particularly concerning the placement of functionally diverse objects within and around mammoth bone dwellings.

An analysis of the interior of the fourth dwelling reveals a clear differentiation of economic activities across different sections of the space. This functional variation within the dwelling suggests diverse aspects of social life, potentially including gender roles and economic specialization. The spatial arrangement of household assemblages demonstrates a pronounced symmetry, with objects systematically arranged around a central hearth and oriented according to the cardinal points. This centralized spatial organization is evident not only at the individual settlement level but also across the broader micro-region, reflected in the relationship between major settlements with monumental architecture and temporary summer camps.

The analysis of site layouts, along with the spatial and topographical positioning of Middle Dnieper settlements, provides compelling evidence of the regularity and symmetry in the behaviour of Epigravettian society. Seasonal mobility played a crucial role in shaping worldviews, which were expressed through the spatial arrangement of objects and the creation of «landscape ornament» by these prehistoric inhabitants. Ornamentation in art, architecture, and the placement of anthropogenic objects signifies the process of humanization, the domestication of space, and the symbolic mastery of the landscape. These phenomena were vital tools for the psychological adaptation of groups to the conditions of the late Würm Glacial, ensuring resilience in a changing environment.

Key words: hunter-gatherers, Upper Palaeolithic, Eastern Epigravettian, Mezhyrich culture, archaeological site, spatial analysis.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:
Shydlovskyi, P.S., Gladkikh, M.I. 2024. Osoblyvosti prostorovoi povedinky nosiiv mezhyritskoi verkhnopaleolitychnoi tradytsii [Peculiarities of spatial behaviour among bearers of the Mezhyrichian Upper Palaeolithic tradition]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 55-66.


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