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VITA ANTIQUA           ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research


Serhii Ryzhov 1, Victoriia Tysliuk 2
Cognitive possibilities of studying pigments on stone artefacts
1,2 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

DOI: 10.37098/VA-2024-15-79-91


Palaeolithic stone artifacts reflect traces of human activity and spatio-temporal natural modifications. The study of stone artifacts and the development of modern technologies serve as an impetus for the development of new methods of reconstruction of the prehistoric past. Findings of the remains of natural dyes have always attracted the special attention of researchers, because it is traditionally believed that such finds rather reflect symbolic and social behaviour, interpreted according to numerous ethnographic and archaeological sources.

Numerous finds of the use of ochre pigments as various dyes and unmodified nodules, which in most cases are interpreted by researchers as a display of symbolic behaviour, are recorded at Palaeolithic sites on the territory of Ukraine. Recent microscopic studies of the ochre pigments and use-wear analysis on the stone artifacts from the Late Acheulean site of Zaskelna IX (Crimea) allowed researchers to hypothesize the use of ochre as one from the components of the adhesive mixture for clamping the artifacts in the handle, which was composed of hides and plants. Taking into account the personal experience of studying ochre pigments on stone artifacts, the authors highlight the main stages and research methods that can be used to reproduce the hominins behavioural activities in prehistory.

In the process of researching the ochre pigments on the stone artifacts originating from the cultural layer, there is a need to distinguish successive stages to study the surface: archeomineralogical, technological and residue analysis, use-wear analysis, and conducting an experiment. Non-destructive methods of studying the surface of a stone artifact are of great importance on the study of the composition of organic and inorganic compounds by modern methods of spectrometry.

Key words: ochre pigments, residue analysis, stone artifacts, Palaeolithic, territory of Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:
Ryzhov, S.M., Tysliuk, V.V. 2024. Kohnityvni mozhlyvosti doslidzhennia pihmentiv na kamianykh artefaktakh [Cognitive possibilities of studying pigments on stone artefacts]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 79-91.


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