This volume of scientific works dedicated to contemporary researches of the issues of environment – prehistoric societies interaction in Europe. The publication includes materials that demonstrate the interdisciplinary approach to the study of prehistoric sites. The proposed collection will be useful for anyone interested in prehistory, archaeology and geography of Europe – for archaeologists, geographers, biologists, historians, ethnographers, and students of higher educational institutions.
Dear friends and colleagues! Now the new issue of the collection of scientific papers Vita Antiqua is preparing for edition. Publisher of this release is the Th. Vovk Center for Paleoethnological Research – non-governmental scientific organization whose mission is to study and popularize knowledge about the pre-historic era and the representation of prehistoric archaeology of Ukraine in the world.
This volume represents a part of the materials that were highlighted as the reports at the international scientific conference “HUMAN & LANDSCAPE: a Geographical Approach in the Prehistoric Archaeology” which took place on February 3-5, 2016 in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev. In a conference took part invited specialists from the university centers and scientific institutions of France, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Belarus, Georgia, etc. Among Ukrainian scientific establishments were representatives of Institute of Archaeology of NAS of Ukraine, National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Institute of Geology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Zoology of NAS of Ukraine, National Natural History Museum of NAS of Ukraine, universities of Odesa, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, etc. Among the proposed articles should note the works that highlighted the results of archaeological researches of joint domestic and foreign scholars, including on the territory of Ukraine. The conference itself became an exceptional opportunity to create a system of information and experience exchange in researches about European prehistoric sites, to introduce up-to-date methodologies of fixation and description of the archaeological material and to promote the Ukrainian archaeological heritage in the European system of research.
Scientific papers presented by the proposed volume fully meet the requirements of modern science. Chronologically, it covers a period from the Palaeolithic to the early metal epochs and is comprehensive studies involving archaeological science data as well as a range of related disciplines – geology, paleogeography, climatology, biology e.t.c. Particular attention is paid to the cultural adaptation of human communities in transition late Pleistocene – early Holocene epochs. Fully used modern methods of analysis of archaeological material – C14 dating, archeozoological, paleobotanical and others. The collection gives an overview of the processes that took place in Eastern Europe in the prehistoric period and expands our knowledge of the relationship between nature and society in remote historical times. We hope that the book will be of interest to anyone interested in the development of human culture and paleoecological studies.
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