VITA ANTIQUA, 11 (2019) ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research
VITA ANTIQUA 11, 2019, Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects
Challenges for the Modern Museum: how to understand and prepare, 174-179
Lowak Victoria B.
trainer for Museum Marketing and Communication
УДК: 069:378
The main components that determine the development of a modern museum are communication, interaction and participation. Each of them is heterogeneous, complex and multidimensional.
Communication includes a wide range of components, beginning with various forms of information transfer, communication between the exponent and the audience, interaction through various media forms and ending with marketing communication and branding. Interaction involves not only the involvement of analogue and electronic media in the exposition of the museum, but also the use of related media (website, blog, apps) as separate forms interaction. In other words, the modern museum functions both in the classical off-line mode as well as on-line. Participation is not only about various ways of active involvement of visitors at all phases of preparation and “consumption” of a museum’s “product”, but also about exhibition design, visitor research and evaluation of exhibitions.
To be capable to implement its own individual goals in today’s challenging and quickly changing environment and in accordance with global trends (communication, interactivity and partisanship), a museum needs qualified staff. Today museum’s stuff is required not only to possess fundamental knowledge about the work with the collection - collection, preservation, research, interpretation and exhibition, but also needs to have a number of new competences, including communication, marketing and project management skills. Therefore, the effective education of modern museum specialists requires thorough theoretical training as well as broad interdisciplinary orientation and integration into the actual museum practice..
Key words: communication, interactivity, participation, museum management, museum marketing.
Language: Ukrainian
Cite as:
Lowak, V.B. 2019. Challenges for the Modern Museum: how to understand and prepare (Vyklyky dlia suchasnoho muzeiu: zrozumity ta pidhotuvatysia). VITA ANTIQUA 11. Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects, p. 174-179 (in Ukrainian).
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