VITA ANTIQUA, 11 (2019) ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research
VITA ANTIQUA 11, 2019, Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects
The Modern Methodological and Scientific Concepts of Exhibition Planning on the Example of the Museums of a Historical Profile in China, 190-199
Markina Lisa A.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
DOI: 10.37098/VA-2019-11-190-199
UDK: 069.5(510)
The modern methodological and scientific concepts of exposition planning in the museums of а historical profile on the territory of China are a certain nationalist influence on the Society of China, which is built on the multicultural concept, which formulates globalizing, sociocultural, socio-pedagogical, and most importantly historical vision in the museum audience.
The modern methodological and scientific concepts an exhibition in the museums of а historical profile in China are a certain nationalist influence on Chinese society, built on a multicultural concept that formulates globalization, sociocultural, socio-pedagogical, and most importantly, historical audiences.
The notion of «museum exhibition», in Chinese, is called «博物馆的陈列品» («Bówùguǎn de chénliè pǐn») and has the meaning of a scientific combination of cultural relics, examples and auxiliary exhibits that reflect the processes of development and the laws of society, natural history, science and the technique or value of a particular subject, and the combination of science, art, and technology that can be observed by people.
The relevance of the article is the vision of historians, museum historians, and designers of modern tendencies, aimed at showing methodological and scientific basis, about planning of exposition on the example of а historical profile museums on the territory of China.
In the history of the Modern Chinese Museum of China, this problem is presented by scientific research – Zhou Shiki, Wang Yun, Zhang Len, Chen Duanyzhi, Lucy Pei, Gow Hujfen and others.
The aim is to highlight modern methodological and scientific concepts of exposition planning on the example of historical museums and to study innovative and innovative tendentions in the museums of historical profile in China.
Thus, the article presents an analysis of the study of modern methodological concepts of exposures planning in museums of а historical profile. Analyzing the development of research of methodological and scientific concepts, we show the relevance of these problems, among Chinese musealists, historians and designers. We can say that among the museums of а historical profile, there is a trend of nationalist, multicultural, socio-cultural, socio-pedagogical and historical vision. In addition, we can say that the data of methodological and scientific concepts combine the principle: «sence and forms»of the exposition and «vision of space» in the museum.
Key words: methodology, concepts, exposition, the museums of historical profile, China.
Language: Ukrainian
Cite as:
Markina, L.A. 2019. The Modern Methodological and Scientific Concepts of Exhibition Planning on the Example of the Museums of a Historical Profile in China (Suchasni metodolohichno-naukovi kontseptsii planuvannia ekspozytsii na prykladi muzeiv istorychnoho profiliu v Kytai). VITA ANTIQUA 11. Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects, p. 190-199 (in Ukrainian).
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