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VITA ANTIQUA                  ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)

Center for Paleoethnological research



Anastasiia Diachenko1, Tymur Tyshechko2

Reconstruction of Slavic lifestyle through full-scale modeling

¹ National Museum of the History of Ukraine

2 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv




The article is dedicated to one of the most promising directions in archaeological research – experimental archaeology. It outlines the significance of experimentation in modern archaeology in Ukraine and the world, explores the historiography of the problem, and shares the experience of archaeologist colleagues in reconstructing certain aspects of the lives and everyday activities of past generations. Key aspects of experimental archaeology include the creation of replicas or reconstructions to test hypotheses and enhance understanding of ancient objects and technologies. Furthermore, it underlines the practical meaning of experimental archaeology, such as the creation of open-air museums, which provide immersive experiences and contribute to the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage.

The Northern Permanently Operating Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is engaged in the scientific and scientific and protective direction of studying the suburbs of Kyiv. Research mainly concerns the ancient Rus period. The recreation of ancient Rus technologies through their full-scale modeling is not new for the employees of the expedition. Based on this, at the territory of the Khodosivka archaeological complex, models of Early Slavonic ovens were recreated as a source of knowledge about the everyday life of medieval society in Ukraine.

The paper provides a detailed description of the construction of models of two heating devices, prototypes of which are dated mainly from the 12th to the first half of the 13th century. All stages of their creation are characterized: from studying general information about the ovens and planning the future reconstruction, to processing the collected data and implementing the experiment. Based on the modeling of these experiments, the functional capabilities of the reconstructed ovens are revealed. The significance of the conducted experiment lies in its ability to deepen our understanding of the daily life of the Kyivan Rus population. While previous research focused on technologies used in creating various economic and residential structures, this work demonstrates how reconstructed models aid in delving into the study of ancient domesticity. Since the chronicle tradition does not cover all aspects of ancient society’s life, and archaeological evidence alone does not provide a precise picture of the population’s spiritual and everyday life, this experiment allows for a more detailed exploration of these aspects.

Key words: experiment, modeling, skansen, oven, heating device, Ancient Rus, Khodosivka.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:

Diachenko, А.V., Tyshechko, T.L. 2024. Vidtvorennia slovianskoho pobutu shliakhom naturnoho modeliuvannia [Reconstruction of Slavic lifestyle through full-scale modeling]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 137-154.


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VITA ANTIQUA           ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)

Center for Paleoethnological research



Alisa Sokolovska 1

Artificial Intelligence and Prospects for its Use in the Study of Upper Palaeolithic Rock Art

¹ Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



The problem raised in this article is that since the discovery of rock art, the scientific community has been facing many questions related to the development of rock art and its semantic basis. It is becoming more and more difficult for us to call rock paintings the product of only religious or magical ideas, how researchers of the last century thought about it, and it is obviously simply impossible to look into the minds of people who lived thousands of years ago.

The topic of cave paintings is a complex issue, for the study of which we must involve not only archaeological research methods, but also ethnographic and art historical ones. In my opinion, we should try to involve  other  scientific  fields,  in  addition  to  those  already  mentioned  above,  and  apply  the  latest technologies.

Until recently, the only analogies we had available to us were ethnographic comparisons of the creativity and worldviews of primitive societies, but science is not standing still. In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has appeared on the scene, developing like humans, and what is interesting to us is that it is also developing in the field of fine art.

Why do we need to use artificial intelligence to analyse rock art at all? Because, as humans, we often see only what we want to see and therefore project our own worldview onto the analysis of rock art, which makes this analysis more of a psychological portrait of its author than an analysis as such. If we engage in analysis in a machine that is guided only by knowledge and has no worldview, which allows us to use a literally objective ‘opinion’ for analysis, it will not project its own worldview onto the results of the analysis, because it does not have one by definition.

The study raises the question of how we can put artificial intelligence technologies to work now and in the near future. The research methods are an analysis of the level of development of this topic in scientific research and articles by other scholars and an attempt to use such a type of analysis as a comparative analysis in relation to works created by Artificial Intelligence and works created by ancient man, which may, in the future, give us the opportunity to comprehend the images left to us by people of the Palaeolithic era.

The scientific novelty of the work lies in the proposal and attempt to use Artificial Intelligence technology as a tool for the study of Palaeolithic rock art, which has not been used before and did not go beyond assumptions.

According to the results of the study, we can trace a certain similarity between the early works of art created by Artificial Intelligence and abstract works created by ancient humans in the Paleolithic period. Of course, we cannot say that the development of human and AI art is identical, because again, they are fundamentally different. A person painted because he was inspired to do so, and a machine painted because it had a task. Nevertheless, I believe that this study, although it may seem absurd at first glance in the long run, no matter how pretentious it sounds, may be our step towards finding answers to the questions that we have not been able to find for more than a hundred years.

Key words: Archaeological studies, rock painting, artificial intelligence, Upper Palaeolithic, modern research methods.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:

Sokolovska, A.A. 2024. Shtuchnyi Intelekt ta perspektyvy yoho vykorystannia dlia doslidzhennia naskelnoho zhyvopysu doby verkhnoho paleolitu [Artificial Intelligence and Prospects for its Use in the Study of Upper Palaeolithic Rock Art]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 127-135.


Beautyandai. 2023. History of AI Art from 1960s to 2023 [online]. [30 August 2024].

Colson, А. 2020. Rock Art and AI [online]. UCL Heritage Science and Engineering Network Blog. [30 August 2024].

Computer History Museum. 2016. Harold Cohen and AARON—A 40-Year Collaboration [online]. [30 August 2024].

Digitalartsblog. 2024. History of AI Generated Art [online]. [30 August 2024].

Katevassgalerie. 2024. Harold Cohen: ‘Once upon a time there was an entity named Aaron’ [online]. [30 August 2024].

Leroi-Gourhan, A. (1992) ‘Paleoliticheskoe peshchernoe iskusstvo (religioznoe iskusstvo)’, In: Posrednikov, V.A. (ed.), Donetskii arkheologicheskii sbornik, 2. Donetsk: Avers Ko, pp. 9-29.

Outland. 2022. The Prophecies of AARON [online].: [30 August 2024].

VITA ANTIQUA           ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)

Center for Paleoethnological research



Liubov Yeredenko 1

Photogrammetry. Practical application in Archaeology : Scientific and Public Perspectives

¹ Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



The article is the result of the 2024 qualification work by the author, a student of the Department of Archaeology and Museology at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The theoretical part about photogrammetry, which is based on the study of foreign and domestic historiography on the subject, is briefly presented in the introduction and the section «About Photogrammetry».

In the introduction, the author raises the issue of proper documentation: both traditional and new methods. The objectivity of archaeological drawing and photography is discussed, as well as the striking difference between 2D and 3D images in terms of the amount and quality of preserved information about the object. The section «About Photogrammetry» briefly outlines the history of photogrammetry and its increasing use in archaeological research. Photogrammetry is compared with laser scanning systems, and the advantages of combining these methods are examined.

The sections «Practical Experience» and «Results» display the achievements of a workshop on artifact scanning using the photogrammetry method. With the support of the non-governmental organization «Scientific and Research Lab ‘Archaїc’,» a small catalogue of artifacts was created. The experience was step-by-step and thoroughly described in this article. The results section specifies the potential for using the obtained models for future scientific purposes – both for analysis and for preserving at least digital copies in emergencies. The use of 3D models by activists for promoting and protecting the heritage site is also demonstrated.

The conclusions summarize the findings and bring out the main theme of the work – the importance of protecting the Kytaiv Archaeological Complex, its place and significance in the cultural life and archaeology of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine; the importance of developing archaeological documentation; and the importance of representing academic science to the public through dialogue, including the publication of materials such as 3D models.

Key words: photogrammetry, 3D scanning, monument protection, Kytaiv Archaeological Complex, digitalization of archaeological sites.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:

Yeredenko, L.I. 2024. Fotohrammetriia. Praktychne zastosuvannia v arkheolohii : naukovi ta hromadski perspektyvy [Photogrammetry. Practical application in Archaeology : Scientific and Public Perspectives]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 115-125.


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VITA ANTIQUA           ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)

Center for Paleoethnological research



Anastasiia Diachenko 1

Ceramics from the Andriivka settlement : new approaches to the preservation of archaeological material

¹ National Museum of the History of Ukraine



The paper presents general information about the Volodymyrivka local group of the Cucuteni-Trypillia Cultural Complex (CTCC) and its material culture, based on ceramic material from the Andriivka settlement. This settlement is one of the few that belong to this local group.

The research history of the Volodymyrivka group sites is described. It is noted that, apart from the eponymous site, where full-scale excavations were conducted, other settlements of this group were investigated using surface collection and test-pitting methods. The same approach was applied to the Andriivka settlement, whose materials became the subject of this article. The settlement itself is located on the south-eastern outskirts of the village of Andriivka, in the Novomyrhorod district of Kirovohrad region. According to preliminary estimates, the area of the Trypillia settlement covers about 60 ha.

The main focus of the paper is on ceramic production, which is one of the key criteria for distinguishing local groups within the CTCC. The ceramic complex from the Andriivka settlement, which is part of the collection of the Archaeological Museum of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, includes vessels and clay figurines. Despite the fragmented nature of the material, it supports previous conclusions about the settlement’s belonging to the Volodymyrivka group of Trypillia sites.

Additionally, part of the artefacts from the Andriivka settlement has been digitized. The digitization of museum collections plays an important role in the popularization of archaeological heritage and makes it more accessible to a wider audience. The digitized objects allow not only researchers but also all interested individuals to access information about the Trypillia culture, its development, and the characteristics of its material culture, particularly ceramic production.

Consequently, the study of the ceramic complex from the Andriivka settlement provides valuable insights into the local features of ceramic production within the Volodymyrivka group of the CTCC.

Key words: Keywords: Cucuteni-Trypillia Cultural Complex, Middle Buh region, Volodymyrivka group, Andriivka, ceramic production, digitization of museum collections.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:

Diachenko, A.V. 2024. Keramika z poselennia Andriivka : suchasnyi pidkhid do zberezhennia arkheolohichnoho materialu [Ceramics from the Andriivka settlement : new approaches to the preservation of archaeological material]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 93-101.


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VITA ANTIQUA           ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)

Center for Paleoethnological research



Anastasiia Husak 1

“Traditional” archaeological drawing : a future vestige or a necessity

¹ National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"



This article explores the role of archaeological drawing (especially its traditional form) in the development of archaeological knowledge, while also illustrating the generalized process behind the cognitive and mental models of archaeological thought. Archaeological drawing, being subjective in its interpretative nature, serves as an important method of critical observation and analysis of archaeological objects and artifacts.

The main discussion focuses on the necessity of preserving the «traditional» type of drawing in modern archaeology amid rapid digitalization. A comparison of how digital and traditional drawing are perceived allows for an understanding of the cognitive level of two seemingly similar, but in fact, different methods of archaeological recording.

Digital drawing, despite its many advantages, such as speed of execution and the ability to easily process images, is not always able to provide as deep an interaction with archaeological artifacts. When using digital drawing, researchers often focus on the technical aspects of the work, which can distract them from critical analysis of the artifacts themselves.

The nature of traditional archaeological drawing makes it an indispensable tool in research, as it fosters a high-quality interaction with artifacts. Visualizing findings through such drawing is a process that combines cognitive and sensory aspects of perception, leading to a deeper understanding of the object. In addition, traditional drawing remains a reliable pedagogical tool; helping new generations of archaeologists not only master technical skills but also develop critical thinking abilities.

Overall, the decline in the use of the «traditional drawing» method, although not yet observed in Ukrainian archaeology, could eventually alter the perception of archaeological finds. The spread of digital recording methods creates a risk that archaeologists may lose important aspects of research that are tied to deep interaction with artifacts. However, digital technologies continue to integrate into modern science, promoting a faster pace of work and access to research results. Combining traditional and digital approaches allows, ensuring both speed and depth of analysis for more comprehensive results.

In conclusion, while modern technologies continue to influence all aspects of science, including archaeology, traditional archaeological drawing remains an important tool. Its preservation and integration with new methods can contribute to the development of archaeological science, maintaining a balance between speed and accuracy, between the demands of modern science and the deep knowledge provided by the traditional approach.

Key words: archaeological drawing, mental models, traditional drawing, digitalization, cognitive archaeology, archaeological knowledge.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:

Husak, A.M. 2024. “Tradytsiinyi” arkheolohichnyi maliunok: maibutnii perezhytok chy neobkhidnist [“Traditional” archaeological drawing: a future vestige or a necessity]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 93-101.


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Morgan, C., Petrie, H., Wright, H., Taylor, J.S. 2021. Drawing and Knowledge Construction in Archaeology: The Aide Mémoire Project. Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol. 46, No. 8, pp. 614-628. .

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VITA ANTIQUA           ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)

Center for Paleoethnological research



Serhii Ryzhov 1, Victoriia Tysliuk 2

Cognitive possibilities of studying pigments on stone artefacts

1,2 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv




Palaeolithic stone artifacts reflect traces of human activity and spatio-temporal natural modifications. The study of stone artifacts and the development of modern technologies serve as an impetus for the development of new methods of reconstruction of the prehistoric past. Findings of the remains of natural dyes have always attracted the special attention of researchers, because it is traditionally believed that such finds rather reflect symbolic and social behaviour, interpreted according to numerous ethnographic and archaeological sources.

Numerous finds of the use of ochre pigments as various dyes and unmodified nodules, which in most cases are interpreted by researchers as a display of symbolic behaviour, are recorded at Palaeolithic sites on the territory of Ukraine. Recent microscopic studies of the ochre pigments and use-wear analysis on the stone artifacts from the Late Acheulean site of Zaskelna IX (Crimea) allowed researchers to hypothesize the use of ochre as one from the components of the adhesive mixture for clamping the artifacts in the handle, which was composed of hides and plants. Taking into account the personal experience of studying ochre pigments on stone artifacts, the authors highlight the main stages and research methods that can be used to reproduce the hominins behavioural activities in prehistory.

In the process of researching the ochre pigments on the stone artifacts originating from the cultural layer, there is a need to distinguish successive stages to study the surface: archeomineralogical, technological and residue analysis, use-wear analysis, and conducting an experiment. Non-destructive methods of studying the surface of a stone artifact are of great importance on the study of the composition of organic and inorganic compounds by modern methods of spectrometry.

Key words: ochre pigments, residue analysis, stone artifacts, Palaeolithic, territory of Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:

Ryzhov, S.M., Tysliuk, V.V. 2024. Kohnityvni mozhlyvosti doslidzhennia pihmentiv na kamianykh artefaktakh [Cognitive possibilities of studying pigments on stone artefacts]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 79-91.


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VITA ANTIQUA           ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)

Center for Paleoethnological research



Sofiia Rudenko 1

Settlements and hillforts of the Zarubinets culture of the Cherkasy region

¹ Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



Sites of the Zarubinets culture of the Cherkasy region constitute the southern part of the Middle Dnieper local version of this culture. In the article, a brief historiographical review of the vestiges is carried out: their topography, chronology, classification and state of study are considered.

The article presents a concise catalogue of Zarubynets settlements and hillforts located in Cherkasy region. Among them are 13 settlements and 10 hillforts.

The general chronological boundaries of the culture constitute in III/II cent. B.C. – I cent. A.D. The sites considered in the work represent all stages of cultural development: early – 3rd – 1st cent. B.C., middle – 1st cent. B.C. – the end of the 1st cent. A.D., late – middle of the 1st cent. B.C. – the end of the 2nd cent. A.D. Since the last period (the second half of the 1st – the 2nd cent. AD) is currently considered by most researchers to be the time of the existence of late Zarubinets vestiges, we can consider the late stage of the «classical» Zarubinets culture precisely from the middle/end of the 1st cent. B. C. – the end of the 1st cent. A.D. E.V. Maksimov identified two types of settlements of the Middle Dnieper variant of the Zarubinets culture based on topography: sites located on capes, and located in floodplains, supraflood terraces or slopes.

The article considers the settlement near the villages Moshny, Mezhyrich, Zalevky, Zhabotyn, Orlovets, the Cherkasy city of the Cherkasy district; hillforts near the village Buchak, Subotiv, Sakhnivka, Trakhtemiriv, the cities of Kaniv, Cherkasy of the Cherkasy district. In contrast to the burial grounds of the Zarubinets culture, the study of settlements began exclusively in the period after the end of the Second World War. Most of the settlements and hillforts are known only from reconnaissance materials. Systematic excavations by E.V. Maksimov investigated only three hillforts: Pylypenkova Hill, Babyna Hill, and Monastyrok. During the last decades, stationary excavations of settlements were not carried out. Obviously, the mentioned sites existed throughout the entire chronological period of the development of the Zarubinets culture, i.e., during the III/II centuries B.C. – I century A.D.

In order to obtain new information about the settlement sites of the Zarubinets culture, it is necessary to conduct a new stage of research using new methods and technologies.

Key words: Zarubinets culture, Middle Dnieper variant, settlement, hillfort, chronology.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:

Rudenko, S.V. 2024. Poselennia ta horodyshcha zarubynetskoi kultury Cherkaskoi oblasti [Settlements and hillforts of the Zarubinets culture of the Cherkasy region]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 45-54.


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VITA ANTIQUA           ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)

Center for Paleoethnological research



Pavlo Shydlovskyi 1, Mykhailo Gladkikh 1

Peculiarities of spatial behaviour among bearers of the Mezhyrichian Upper Palaeolithic tradition

¹ Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



Sites of Mezhyrichian tradition of the Middle Dnieper Epigravettian provide critical insights into the seasonal mobility and functional use of space by prehistoric communities. The study of the Dwelling 4 at the Mezhyrich settlement has unveiled distinct patterns in the organization of living space, particularly concerning the placement of functionally diverse objects within and around mammoth bone dwellings.

An analysis of the interior of the fourth dwelling reveals a clear differentiation of economic activities across different sections of the space. This functional variation within the dwelling suggests diverse aspects of social life, potentially including gender roles and economic specialization. The spatial arrangement of household assemblages demonstrates a pronounced symmetry, with objects systematically arranged around a central hearth and oriented according to the cardinal points. This centralized spatial organization is evident not only at the individual settlement level but also across the broader micro-region, reflected in the relationship between major settlements with monumental architecture and temporary summer camps.

The analysis of site layouts, along with the spatial and topographical positioning of Middle Dnieper settlements, provides compelling evidence of the regularity and symmetry in the behaviour of Epigravettian society. Seasonal mobility played a crucial role in shaping worldviews, which were expressed through the spatial arrangement of objects and the creation of «landscape ornament» by these prehistoric inhabitants. Ornamentation in art, architecture, and the placement of anthropogenic objects signifies the process of humanization, the domestication of space, and the symbolic mastery of the landscape. These phenomena were vital tools for the psychological adaptation of groups to the conditions of the late Würm Glacial, ensuring resilience in a changing environment.

Key words: hunter-gatherers, Upper Palaeolithic, Eastern Epigravettian, Mezhyrich culture, archaeological site, spatial analysis.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:

Shydlovskyi, P.S., Gladkikh, M.I. 2024. Osoblyvosti prostorovoi povedinky nosiiv mezhyritskoi verkhnopaleolitychnoi tradytsii [Peculiarities of spatial behaviour among bearers of the Mezhyrichian Upper Palaeolithic tradition]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 45-54.


Chymyrys, M., Shydlovskyi, P., & Tsvirkun, O. 2023. The structure of dwellings from the Upper Palaeolithic settlements (Mezhyrich, Dobranichivka, Hintsi). In: 29th EAA Annual Meeting (Belfast, Northern Ireland 2023) ‘Weaving Narratives’ - Abstract Book: 1015, .

Gladkikh, M.I. 1971. Krem’ianyi inventar piznopaleolitychnoho poselennia Mezhyrich. Arkheolohiia, 3: 58-63. (in Ukrainian).

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Gladkikh, M.I. 1999. Drevneyshaya arkhitektura po arkheologicheskim istochnikam epokhi paleolita. VITA ANTIQUA, 1: 29-33. (in Russian), .

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Haesaerts, P., Péan, S., Valladas, H., Damblon, F., Nuzhnyi, D. 2015. Contribution à la stratigraphie du site paléolithique de Mezhyrich (Ukraine), L’Anthropologie, 119 (4). Hommes et environnements au Paléolithique supérior en Ukraine: Mezhyrich: 364-393, .

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Shydlovskyi, P.S., Péan, S., Tsvirkun, O.I., Chymyrys, M.V., & Dudnyk, D.V. 2022. Internal and External Structures of the Upper Palaeolithic Dwelling No.4 from Mezhyrich Settlement (Ukraine). (Re)integration. 28th EAA Annual Meeting (Budapest, Hungary, 2022) – Abstract Book: 779–781. .

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VITA ANTIQUA                      ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)

Center for Paleoethnological research



Ihor Pistruil 1, Mykhailo Syzov 2

Archaeological research and the problem of protection of archaeological objects (on the example of Stone Age sites of Odesa region)

¹ Odesa Archeological Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

2 Department of Housing and Communal Services, Improvement and Land Relations, Znamianska Rural Territorial Community



The paper investigates different aspects of the problem of localization of Stone Age sites in the vicinity of Chervonoznamenka village (Ivanovka district of Odessa region). The sites were discovered in 1960-s by V.I. Kraskovskyi. In total, V.I. Kraskovskyi opened six sites in this region (Katarzhyno, Tsybulivka, Tsybulivka І-ІV). According to V.I Kraskovskyi, the sites are located on small promontories of the right bank of the Malyi Kuialnyk River, about 2 km from the village Znamyanka. In this place, the river is blocked by a dam, as a result of which a rather large reservoir was formed.

In 2007-2010, the author conducted research in this region. However, it turned out to be quite difficult to localize the locations of the sites discovered by V.I. Kraskovskyi.

The problem was that in the 50 years since V.I. Kraskovskyi’s research, the area had become overgrown with trees and bushes. In addition, a railroad was laid here in the 60s. As a result, considerable excavation work was carried out. Thus, all the Stone Age sites that were discovered as a result of the 2007-2010 surveys were given new names (Katarzhyno 1-5). During these years, the author conducted excavations in a small area at the Katarzhyno 1 and Katarzhyno 2 sites. As a result of the research, flint products and fragments of pottery were found at the sites. This made it possible to date the sites to the Neolithic era. An additional survey of the region was conducted in 2020. At that time, it was found that trees and shrubs had grown even more. In this regard, it was not possible to establish GPS coordinates of the sites. Therefore, the locations of the campsites were recorded on Google maps.

However, a mistake was made when registering these sites in the databases. And now, in all documents it is stated that these sites are located on the cape, which is formed as a result of the confluence of the Malyi and Serednii Kuialnyk rivers. And no one will correct documentation with errors that have been approved by many authorities. This leads to the loss of various, including unique, archaeological complexes for science and society.

Key words: North-Western Black Sea region, Stone Age, settlement/site, protection of cultural heritage.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:

Pistruil, I.V., Syzov, M.H. 2024. Arkheolohichni doslidzhennia ta problema okhorony pamiatok arkheolohii (na prykladi stoianok kamianoho viku Odeskoi oblasti) [Archaeological research and the problem of protection of archaeological objects (on the example of Stone Age sites of Odesa region)]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 45-54.


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Kraskovskii, V.I. 1962. Epipaleoliticheskoe mestonakhozhdenie Skosarevka. Materialy po arkheologii Severnogo Prichernomoria, 4, s. 133-135. (in Russian).

Kraskovskii, V.I. 1972. Pamiatniki mezoliticheskogo vremeni v doline reki Malyi Kuialnik. Materialy po arkheologii Severnogo Prichernomoria, 4, s. 172-179. (in Russian).

Kraskovskii, V.I. 1978. Pamiatniki paleolita i mezolita severo-zapadnogo Prichernomoria (arkheologicheskaia karta). K.: Naukova dumka. (in Russian).

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Pistruil, I.V. 2009. Pamiatniki kamennogo veka srednego techeniia r. Malyi Kuialnik. Lukomor’ia: arkheologіia, etnologіia, іstorіia pіvnіchno-zakhіdnogo Prichornomor’ia, 3, s. 65-71. (in Russian).

Pistruil, I.V. 2011-a. Stoianka Katarzhino 1 i problema identifikatsii pamiatnikov neolita v stepiakh severo-zapadnogo Prichernomoria. Stratum plus, 2, s. 209-219. (in Russian).

Pistruil, I.V. 2011-b. Doslidzhennia stoianok kam’ianoho viku Katarzhyno 1 ta Katarzhyno 2 bilia s. Chervonoznam’ianka (Ivanivskyi raion Odeskoi obl.). Kam’iana doba Ukrainy, 14, s. 172-181. (in Ukrainian).

Pistruil, I.V. 2011-v. K probleme lokalizatsii pamiatnikov kamennogo veka u s. Chervonoznamenka (Ivanovskii raion Odesskoi oblasti). Materialy po arkheologii Severnogo Prichernomoria, 12, s. 246-251. (in Russian).

Pistruil, I.V. 2012. Stoianka kamennogo veka Katarzhino 2 u s. Chervonoznamenka (Ivanovskii r-n Odesskoi oblasti). Stratum plus, 2, s. 205-210. (in Russian).

VITA ANTIQUA                                            ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)

Center for Paleoethnological research



Katerina Halushko1, Mariia Lobanova 2

Special status of cultural heritage objects during armed conflicts: a comparative analysis of Dubrovnik and Odesa experience

¹ the National Center «Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

2 Odesa Archaeological Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University




This article provides an analysis of the activities of international and state organizations during armed conflicts and post-war reconstruction, and explores the impact of UNESCO World Heritage status on these activities. The main focus is on two historic cities – Dubrovnik in Croatia and Odesa in Ukraine – which are representative examples for considering the effects of armed conflicts on cultural heritage.

Dubrovnik, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979, has become a symbol of resilience and rebirth after Croatia’s War of Independence. The city suffered significant damage during the shelling, but the international community, together with the Croatian authorities, joined the restoration of historical monuments. UNESCO drew attention to the need to preserve cultural heritage, which helped mobilize resources and international assistance. The restoration work demonstrated the importance of international cooperation in preserving cultural heritage during conflicts.

A similar situation is now unfolding in Odesa, which also has the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, although it was added to the list only in 2023, after the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Odesa, like Dubrovnik, found itself at the centre of an armed conflict that threatened cultural heritage. The war has posed serious challenges to the protection of the city’s architectural and historical values, including risks to museums, libraries, churches, and other cultural sites.

The article pays special attention to the challenges faced by cultural heritage in times of war. For example, in addition to physical destruction, important issues include the protection and preservation of museum collections and archives, which can be subject to looting or destruction. In the case of Odesa, civil society also plays an important role in protecting cultural heritage. Numerous initiatives are emerging to preserve architectural monuments and cultural sites. An important element is the involvement of local residents in heritage preservation processes, which helps to raise awareness and responsibility for the cultural heritage of their city.

Finally, the article emphasizes the importance of the UNESCO World Heritage status as a tool for protecting cultural heritage during armed conflicts and post-war reconstruction. The experiences of Dubrovnik and Odesa demonstrate that international recognition and support can be key factors in the preservation and restoration of cultural sites that are an important part of national and world heritage.

Key words: Museum collections, cultural heritage, damaged monuments, Russo-Ukrainian war, Croatian War of Independence, Dubrovnik, Odesa.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:

Halushko, K.K., Lobanova, M.A. 2024. Spetsialnyi status obiektiv kulturnoi spadshchyny pid chas zbroinykh konfliktiv: porivnialnyi analiz dosvidu Dubrovnyka ta Odesy [Special status of cultural heritage objects during armed conflicts: a comparative analysis of Dubrovnik and Odesa experience]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 21-32.


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