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VITA ANTIQUA Library                                                                               ISBN 966-95597-3-1

Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
Chios amphorae and trade relations between Olbia and Chios, 6-17

Leypunskaya N.A.

The process of trade relations between Olbia and Chios is examined in this article. The base of this research is the analysis of the Chian amphorae importation to the Lower Bug Region from the fourth quarter of the 7th to the 4th - the beginning of the 3th century B.C. The typology of all basic types of Chian amphorae was traced. Some significant complexes from Olbia - cromlechs, pits, burial places - with different types of Chian amphorae were described. The conclusions about the existence of the connection between the changes of some amphorae types and the political and social events on Chios, the continuity and great capacity of the trade relations between Olbia during the all mentioned period were on the chronological observations.

Language: Russian

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Leypunskaya, N.A. 2001. Chios amphorae and trade relations between Olbia and Chios. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 6-17. VITA ANTIQUA Library (in Russian).

VITA ANTIQUA Library                                                                               ISBN 966-95597-3-1

Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
Amphorae of hillforts of Lower Dniper in the IV сentury B.C., 18-25

Karyaka O.V.

This article is devoted to the analysis of main categories of ancient pottery amphorae, discovered at excavations of hillforts of Low Dniper. As a result, the author proves that the main part o f these materials was transported to mentioned region from productive centers of Thasos, Menda and Peparetos. Exception to this were materials of Lisaya Gora hillfort, which evidence of more close trade relations with centers of South Black Sea region.

Language: Ukrainian

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Karyaka, O.V. 2001. Amphorae of hillforts of Lower Dniper in the IV сentury B.C. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 18-25. VITA ANTIQUA Library (in Ukrainian).

VITA ANTIQUA Library                                                                               ISBN 966-95597-3-1

Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
The finds of ancient Greek amphorae in the Scythian barrows in the Dnepropetrovsk region, 26-42

Pioro V.I., Samoilenko L.G.

The process of trade relations between Olbia and Chios is examined in this article. The base of this research is the analysis of the Chian amphorae importation to the Lower Bug Region from the fourth quarter of the 7th to the 4th- the beginning of the 3th century B.C. The typology of all basic types of Chian amphorae was traced. Some significant complexes from Olbia - cromlechs, pits, burial places - with different types of Chian amphorae were described. The conclusions about the existence of the connection between the changes of some amphorae types and the political and social events on Chios, the continuity and great capacity of the trade relations between Olbia during the all mentioned period were on the chronological observations.

Language: Russian

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Pioro, V.I., Samoilenko, L.G. 2001. The finds of ancient Greek amphorae in the Scythian barrows in the Dnepropetrovsk region. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 26-42. (VITA ANTIQUA Library). (in Russian).

VITA ANTIQUA Library                                                                               ISBN 966-95597-3-1

Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
On one rare type of Mediterranean amphorae from Kalos Limen, 43-45

Uzhentsev V.B.

The article deals with publication of rare type of the Mediterranean amphorae originating from excavations of Kalos Limen. They have been found in the closed assemblages dated by the first third of the I AD. The vessels belong to the production of one of the East Mediterranean centers (Cos?) and probably are an imitation of the Italic amphorae of Hellenistic Period. Up to now, the complete forms of these amphorae have not been met on the ancient Greek sites of the Crimea.

Language: Russian

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Uzhentsev, V.B. 2001. On one rare type of Mediterranean amphorae from Kalos Limen. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 43-45. VITA ANTIQUA Library (in Russian).

VITA ANTIQUA Library                                                                               ISBN 966-95597-3-1

Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
The collection of graffiti on amphora packing from excavations in Kerch, 46-51

Zankin A.B.

Archeological excavations carried out in Kerch (Crimea) in 1990 gave a collection of mediaeval amphorae fragments with graffiti. The collection includes 126 fragments, 103 of them belong to six well-known types of medieval amphorae. Only few signs, that scratched at that fragments can be considered as typical, well known and widely spread over the Black Sea region. They are some graphic symbols and letter inscriptions.

The majority o f the signs belong to unique, difficult for understanding ones. They are a kind of combinations, some times very complicated, of geometrical figures and perhaps letters. One type of signs among them causes especial interest. It appears at 11 amphora fragments of one decent type 18 times. Conditionally it was named “an oval overscored with a line”. This sign has analogies at the nearest territory (Khazaria).

Language: Russian

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Zankin, A.B. 2001. The collection of graffiti on amphora packing from excavations in Kerch. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 46-51. VITA ANTIQUA Library (in Russian).

VITA ANTIQUA Library                                                                               ISBN 966-95597-3-1

Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
Tavrika pottery centers from VIII-X centuries A.D., 52-81

Parshina E.A., Teslenko I.B., Zelenko S.M.

The localization of ceramics production centers, the study of production technology and assortment very important for attribution and systematization of mass ceramic material of diverse archaeological sites. The paper represents the catalogue of currently known Crimean ceramics production centers from VIII-X centuries A.D. The author carried out complex analysis of furnaces and their products, as well as distribution area of the latter. The article considers the activity tracks of 35 ceramic workshops, and the investigation of remains of 30 burners on 17 of those workshops. All of these furnaces are two-chamber with ascending flame. A production assortment of pottery workshops prettily various. There are three ceramics categories: building, domestic crockery and package. Building ceramics: ceramides, kalipters, plinth, facing tiles of diverse forms and dimensions. The kitchen and tableware: vessels of open forms, pots, jugs, frequently adorned with painting by red paint in shape of concentric and wavy lines. Package: pythos, amphorae, flasks. The numerous ceramic production complexes of Tavrica give rich material for further researches of features of technological processes, volumes and assortment of products, as well as their distribution area.

Language: Russian

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Parshina, E.A., Teslenko, I.B., Zelenko, S.M. 2001. Tavrika pottery centers from VIII-X centuries A.D. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 52-81. VITA ANTIQUA Library (in Russian).

VITA ANTIQUA Library                                                                               ISBN 966-95597-3-1

Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
The shipwrecks of 9-11 centuries A.D. in Sudak bay, 82-92

Zelenko S.M.

The article represents archaeological material found in 1999-2000 by submarine expedition of Kiev University on two shipwrecks of 10-11 centuries A.D. in Sudak bay.

Language: Russian

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Zelenko, S.M. 2001. The shipwrecks of 9-11 centuries A.D. in Sudak bay. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 82-92. VITA ANTIQUA Library (in Russian).

VITA ANTIQUA Library                                                                               ISBN 966-95597-3-1

Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
Medieval graffiti and stamps from Chersonesos citadel excavations, 93-103

Duzhenko T.V.

The article represents medieval graffiti and stamps from Chersonesos citadel excavations.

Language: Russian

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Duzhenko, T.V. 2001. Medieval graffiti and stamps from Chersonesos citadel excavations. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 93-103. VITA ANTIQUA Library (in Russian).

VITA ANTIQUA Library                                                                               ISBN 966-95597-3-1

Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
Stamped Byzantine amphora of X century A.D. from Laspi, 104-117

Parshina E.A.

The article publishes a Byzantine amphora o f X century A.D. with two stamps on handles in shape of letter “N” and monogram (IW) as well as considers the assignment of the stamps and their attribution. Amphorae stamping is known in Byzantium from IV century A.D. Stamps on amphorae of late IX - XII centuries A.D. are the abbreviations o f the names, which in the most cases are defined as names o f Byzantine emperors or members of their families: owners o f erasterios. We can presumably determine other possible owners of amphorae production - city-states, separate spokesmen of capital or provincial nobility, large cloisters.

Language: Russian

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Parshina, E.A. 2001. Stamped Byzantine amphora of X century A.D. from Laspi. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 104-117. VITA ANTIQUA Library (in Russian).

VITA ANTIQUA Library                                                                               ISBN 966-95597-3-1

Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
On chronology of some types of byzantine amphorae of South-Eastern Crimea, 118-122

Majko V.V.

The article considers three types of Byzantine amphorae which moved to south-eastern Crimea in the middle o f X century A.D. and changed local Crimean amphorae which production was not resumed. This is proved by the chronology of every type of amphorae within second half of X - XI centuries A.D., and by construction and production technologies showed by the variants of the amphorae. The article presents preliminary typology of graffiti, presented on amphorae o f all types.<7small>

Language: Russian

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Majko, V.V. 2001. On chronology of some types of byzantine amphorae of South-Eastern Crimea. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 118-122. VITA ANTIQUA Library (in Russian).