All submitted papers undergo a double-blind review process. Review is performed by the Editorial board members in such way:
1. Technical editor receives the paper and verify the text format, structure and required structural elements. In case of non-compliance with the Requirements the manuscripts is returned for revision. The technical editor encrypts the article and transmits it to the editor-in-chief no later than one week after receipt.
2. During one week the editor-in-chief appoints a reviewer with similar scientific interests with the theme of the article and transmits a manuscript to him.
3. Within two weeks, the reviewer verifies the article. The reviewer’s goal is to verify following characteristics:
- Does the article contain scientific novelty?
- Whether the article was written in a scientific style?
- Does the author of the article adhere the principles of academic integrity?
- Whether the abstracts are substantive?
- Whether the article and its English elements are correctly written?
4. After reviewing, the reviewer sends his opinion to the editor-in-chief, which should contain one of the following provisions:
- The article meets the requirements and can be recommended for the publishing.
- The article contains minor spelling and punctuation errors, and can be recommended for the publishing after the author’s revision.
- The article cannot be published due to significant errors or lack of scientific novelty, practical or theoretical value.
- The article cannot be published due to plagiarism, self-plagiarism and other violations of academic integrity by the author.
5. Editor-in-Chief, based on the opinions of the reviewers, decides whether to publish the paper or reject it, and notifies the technical editor.
6. Technical editor notifies the authors about the reviewing results with one of the following statements: 1) the article is accepted for publishing in the current or next issue of the Bulletin; 2) the article will be accepted for publishing after the author’s revision; 3) the article will not be published for reasons given by the reviewer. After that technical editor shapes the content of the current issue of the Bulletin and transmits it to the Printing Centre.
7. Authors who have been recommended to revise the article should submit an updated version no later than one week after notification. The decision on the recommendation to print a revised article is taken by the editor-in-chief.
8. Authors who have been refused are entitled to contact the Editorial board to become acquainted the reviewer's opinion.
All submitted articles must be in accordance with the rules of academic integrity.
Editorial Board encourages authors to adhere to the following provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Education":
- referencing sources of information in case of using ideas, developments, statements, data;
- observing requirements of legislation on the copyright and related rights;
- provision of accurate information on research methods and results, sources of information used.
The following is deemed to be violations of academic integrity:
- academic plagiarism – release (completely or partially) of scientific (creative) results obtained by other individuals as results of one’s own research (creative activity) and/or reproduction of published texts (released works of art) of other authors without attribution;
- self-plagiarism – release (completely or partially) of one’s own scientific results that have been published earlier as new scientific results;
- falsification – conscious substitution or modification of existing data regarding the educational process or scientific research.
The Editorial board will reject articles written in violation of the requirements of academic integrity, without the right to reconsider and without the possibility of author's revision.