VITA ANTIQUA Library ISBN 966-95597-3-1
Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
On the provenance of the two groups of stamped medieval amphorae, 130-146
Volkov I.V.
The article devoted to the different rare groups of the mediaeval amphorae corresponding to “Byzantine” tradition. Firstly discussed the mode of classification and the possible ways of identification of the origin. Amphorae are the part of the potter’s production, so we must to value it as a part of the whole industry. Therefore, we use four main ranks of classification. The group is product of the same workshop (or some related workshops, if we cannot distinguish their products). The division is the part of the group united with the special technology. The kind is the unit of the group’s assortment (a.e. the amphorae are the kind in different groups). The type is the stable variety of signs inside the same kind (and group and division). The both discussed groups were spread during the short periods. So, the provenance must be connected to the regions contacting at that time with the North Black Sea basin. Chronologically disappearance of the imported groups of amphorae corresponds to the loss of the territories-exporters by Christian states.
The group of the stamp AB was spread and disappeared during 10th c. Only one significant province of Byzantine empire - Hesperia - was lost then. So, it is Southern Italy that is most probable source of the group. Import of the amphorae group of the stamp SSS took place in 12-13th c. Its stopping may be related to the lost of the Crusader’s possessions in the Holy Land. The both suppositions on the amphorae provenance are hypothetical and must be verified by our colleagues who handle more finds.
Language: Russian
Cite as:
Volkov, I.V. 2001. On the provenance of the two groups of stamped medieval amphorae. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 130-146. VITA ANTIQUA Library (in Russian).