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VITA ANTIQUA, 12 (2020)                                                      ISSN 2522-9419 (online), ISSN 2519-4542 (print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 12, 2020, Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies.
Materials of the session ‘The Climate Impact on European Neolithic Societies During the 8.2-ky BP Events Near River Basins and Lakes’. #Networking, 26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (August 24-30, 2020).
Rapid climatic event 8200 cal BP and social dynamics in North-Westernn Pontic region, 31-39

Kiosak Dmytro¹, Ivanova Svitlana², Matviishyna Zhanna³
¹I.I. Mechnikov National University (Odessa, Ukraine)
¹ORCID: 0000-0002-3349-4989
²Institute of archaeology of NAS Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
²ORCID: 0000-0002-3318-8244
³Institute of geography of NAS Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)


The article treats the archaeological record of North-Western Pontic region in search of traces of 8200 calBP event. The two different approaches are applied: summation of 14C dates and a site-oriented approach. In the framework of the latter we refer to materials of Melnychna Krucha site, which contains a sequence covering 7500-1200 y. BCE. Twelve AMS dates highlight the probable gap in the sequence of human habitation on the site around 6250-6000 y. BCE, around the expected timing of the paleoclimatic oscillation. It seems that the event was accompanied by drastic changes in the watering of major rivers of Northern Pontic area like Southern Buh or Dnieper.

Keywords: abrupt climate change, radiocarbon dating, subsistence patterns, soil sequence.

Language: English


Cite as:

Kiosak, D., Ivanova, S., Matviishyna, Zh. 2020. Rapid climatic event 8200 cal BP and social dynamics in North-Westernn Pontic region. VITA ANTIQUA 12. Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies, p. 31-39.


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