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VITA ANTIQUA ISSN: 2522-9419 (Online), ISSN: 2519-4542 (Print)

VITA ANTIQUA 9, 2017, HUMAN & LANDSCAPE: Prehistoric Archaeology of Eastern Europe, 117-126
Adaptation of Prehistoric Hunters to Life in Periglacial Plains (case of study: Upper Paleolithic sites of Bakshala River valley)
Pistruil I.V
¹- Odesa Archaeological Museum of NAS Ukraine, Odesa



There existed three main life support factors for Stone Age communities – water, food and raw material (for tool manufacture). The micro-region of Bakshala river downstream (the right-side tributary of Southern Boug river) corresponded to all these requirements. The work of expedition, headed by F. Kozubovskiy in 1930 – 1932, revealed first sites attributed to Stone Age near the village of Anetovka (Bakshala river basin). Complex and stationary (year-by-year) investigations of this micro-region (i.e. vicinities of villages Anetovka and Shchutske) were undertaken later on and were headed by V.N. Stanko in 1978 – 2007 and I.V. Pistruil since 2008. The “key-site” of this micro-region is Anetovka 2, which vicinities “contain” over 25 other localities, attributed to Upper Palaeolithic period – including surface collections of material and stationary excavated sites (Anetovka 1, Anetovka 13, Anetovka 22). Such archaeological concentration of Upper Palaeolithic sites within this micro-region was caused by rich flint sources, that were utilized independently and equally by ancient representatives of both technological traditions – Epi-Aurignacian and Epi-Gravettian.

Key words: prehistoric hunters, Upper Palaeolithic, cultural adaptation, Bakshala River valley, Eastern Europe

Language: Ukrainian


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