VITA ANTIQUA, 11 (2019) ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research
VITA ANTIQUA 11, 2019, Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects
The Archaeological Museums of Institutions of Higher Education of Ukraine: cultural and educational aspects of activity, 53-58
Moskalenko A.V.
National University of Culture and Arts of Kyiv
DOI: 10.37098/VA-2019-11-53-58
UDK: [902:069:378](477)
Archaeological museums of higher educational institutions are not a new phenomenon at the Ukrainian territory and their origins reach the beginning of the 19th century. However, their number has increased significantly by the present stage. The phenomenon that shifts from quantitative to qualitative, influencing, in addition to the educational and scientific process in the university space, the cultural processes of the modern urban environment, requires scientific understanding and explanation.
The article describes the main formation stages of archaeological museums at higher educational institutions on the territory of modern Ukraine. The author determines when and under what historical conditions the appearance of most university’s archaeological museums took place. The author thinks there were both objective and subjective premises and causes for this. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the territorial, cultural and chronological affiliation of archaeological collections that underline designated museums.
The author describes the main activities of university’s archaeological museums. The special attention is paid to the systematization of the current directions and ways of cultural and educational activities of these museums. The comparative analysis of the cultural and educational activities of these institutions with the similar work of other core museums is carried out.
The author comes to conclusions about the specificity, trends of the establishing and functioning of archaeological museums of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to generalizing the specificity of the cultural and educational work and its correlation with other activity areas of these museums. Summarizing, author determines the role of university’s archaeological museums in creating of modern urban cultural space, in general, also indicates their place onto the urban cultural institutions system of archaeological profile, in particular.
Key words: an archaeological museum, institute of high education, cultural and educational activity, excursion, exhibition, archaeological club.
Language: Ukrainian
Cite as:
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