VITA ANTIQUA, 11 (2019) ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research
VITA ANTIQUA 11, 2019, Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects
Reconstruction of Architectural Monuments as a Campaign for the Historical Justice in Ukraine (on the example of Kyiv), 205-211
Tretiak Kyrylo O.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
DOI: 10.37098/VA-2019-11-205-211
UDK: [351.853:72](477.411)
The article is about the importance of restoring of the lost buildings of Kyiv, which were as landmarks in the history of the city and entire country. The author substantiates the need to revive historic buildings for the cultural, economical, and political progress of the city. The author analyzes and characterizes the process of renewing of Kyiv monuments in the context of similar processes in Europe.
The issue of reconstruction of lost architectural heritage is very crucial for Kyiv. The main city architectural landmarks which represented and embodied Ukrainian identity as well as European traditions in the national culture were destroyed by the Russian Empire and the Bolsheviks during 19th and 20th centuries. Thus in 1811 the building of the City hall suffered from the fire and was destroyed although the project of its restoration was ready. In such a way Kyiv had lost an important evidence of the developed self-government with deep roots of Magdeburg law.
The ruined in 1930-1934th monuments such as Church of Pyrohoshcha, St. Michael’s Golden-Domed and Assumption Cathedrals in Lavra played an exceptional role in the history not only of Kyiv but also of the whole country. St. Michael’s and Assumption Cathedrals were unique examples of Ukrainian Baroque – a symbol of the flowering of Ukrainian culture and art of the 17-18th centuries. The reconstruction of St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Cathedral and its bell tower has improved the town-planning problem very much.
As a result of the tragic events in the twentieth century Kyiv has lost a large number of unique architectural, historical and cultural monuments. Each of the lost buildings witnessed a certain historical stage in the development of Kyiv and Ukraine as a whole. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the places of destroyed monuments remained empty or they were built up with new and alien to Ukrainian culture – architecture. That is why the restoration of the lost architectural monuments of Kyiv is such an important matter today.
Key words: architectural monument, historical and cultural heritage, historical buildings, reconstruction.
Language: Ukrainian

Cite as:
Tretiak, K.O. 2019. Reconstruction of Architectural Monuments as a Campaign for the Historical Justice in Ukraine (on the example of Kyiv) (Vidtvorennia arkhitekturnykh pamiatok yak borotba za istorychnu spravedlyvist Ukrainy (na prykladi Kyieva)). VITA ANTIQUA 11. Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects, p. 205-211 (in Ukrainian).
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