VITA ANTIQUA Library ISBN 966-95597-3-1
Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles. Kyiv, 2001
Trapezund ceramic stamps from Azov, 202-215
Volkov I.V.
The paper deals with the most wide-spread group of mediaeval amphorae. The finds from town of Azak (Italian Tana) and other contemporary settlements are the basis for this research. Here is presented technological description of these amphorae and discussion of the definition of their origin. Presumably, this group was imported from region of Pontos (Empire of Trebizond). Study on metrology shows the probability of correspondence to Trebizondian measures of volume - tsarikion (53.8 1.) and folleron (31 1.). Reconstruction of the last measure is only speculative. The stamps on amphorae are attributed as marks on measuring vessels using for verifying of volumes. Special officials controlled these amphorae. There are presented finds of stamps from Azak and other towns of the Golden Horde.
Language: Russian

Cite as:
Volkov, I.V. 2001. Trapezund ceramic stamps from Azov. In: Parshina, E.A. (ed.). Sea Trade in North Black Sea Region. The collection of scientific articles (Morska torhivlia v Pivnichnomu Prychornomor’i. Zbirka naukovykh statei). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Society of Archaeology and Anthropology, 202-215. VITA ANTIQUA Library (in Russian).