VITA ANTIQUA ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research
Pavlo Shydlovskyi1, Anastasiia Diachenko2
To Know is to Preserve (Instead of Foreword)
1 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
2 National Museum of the History of Ukraine
DOI: 10.37098/VA-2024-15-9-19
For the archaeological, museological, and preservationist community, this period has been one of immense challenges. The individual scientific interests of researchers have been overshadowed by a collective concern for the state of cultural heritage and the urgent need to protect sites during a full-scale war. Public and scholarly initiatives aimed at preserving monuments and monitoring the impact of war on cultural values have grown into a wide array of projects and organizations capable of mobilizing significant resources to document crimes against cultural and natural heritage. After the initial shock of witnessing the scale of looting and destruction of cultural objects, the current situation demands a rational and proactive approach to heritage preservation. The preservation of historical and cultural heritage has been officially recognized as a priority in thematic areas and scientific and technical developments.
In response, significant attention has recently been devoted to advancing methodologies in the field of archaeological recording—from the use of space technologies to traditional methods of documenting archaeological information and culturally attributing materials. Ukrainian archaeology and museology have rapidly embraced modern global trends and technologies for preserving and processing culturally and scientifically significant data. Modern digital technologies, particularly in the realm of remote analysis of objects and artifacts, have been actively integrated into archaeological and museum subdisciplines. This approach goes beyond a simple pursuit of easy solutions or striking visualizations. In situations where collections or entire archaeological sites face the imminent risk of loss, the ability to digitally record relevant information has become a powerful tool for preserving cultural heritage and disseminating this knowledge to the world.
In response to the challenges facing our community during these difficult times, the Scientific School «Objects of Cultural Heritage: detection, research, preservation» was established at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in October 2023. The School was initiated by a team of specialists, bringing together experts from the Department of Archaeology and Museum Studies of the Faculty of History, Archaeology Museum of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the Interdepartmental Laboratory of Archaeology and Ethnography, and the Center for Paleoethnological Research. These specialists have long been engaged in research focused on the discovery, study, and preservation of Ukraine’s cultural heritage. Considering activities of the Scientific School for 2024-2029, this collection of articles focuses on methods for recording and monitoring archaeological objects.
Ukrainian / English
Cite as:
Shydlovskyi, P.S., Diachenko, А.V. 2024. To Know is to Preserve (Instead of Foreword). VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 9-19.
Diachenko, A.V. 2024. Keramika z poselennia Andriivka : suchasnyi pidkhid do zberezhennia arkheolohichnoho materialu [Ceramics from the Andriivka settlement : new approaches to the preservation of archaeological material]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 93-101.
Diachenko, А.V., Tyshechko, T.L. 2024. Vidtvorennia slovianskoho pobutu shliakhom naturnoho modeliuvannia [Reconstruction of Slavic lifestyle through full-scale modeling]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 137-154.
Halushko, K.K., Lobanova, M.A. 2024. Spetsialnyi status obiektiv kulturnoi spadshchyny pid chas zbroinykh konfliktiv : porivnialnyi analiz dosvidu Dubrovnyka ta Odesy [Special status of cultural heritage objects during armed conflicts : a comparative analysis of Dubrovnik and Odesa experience]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 21-32.
Husak, A.M. 2024. “Tradytsiinyi” arkheolohichnyi maliunok: maibutnii perezhytok chy neobkhidnist [“Traditional” archaeological drawing: a future vestige or a necessity]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 93-101.
Moroko, А.О. 2024. Normatyvno-pravovyi aspekt okhorony arkheolohichnoi spadshchyny v suchasnii Ukraini: zahalnyi ohliad ta mozhlyvosti dlia pokrashchennia [Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Archaeological Heritage Protection in Contemporary Ukraine: General Overview and Opportunities for Improvement]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 21-32.
Pistruil, I.V., Syzov, M.H. 2024. Arkheolohichni doslidzhennia ta problema okhorony pamiatok arkheolohii (na prykladi stoianok kamianoho viku Odeskoi oblasti) [Archaeological research and the problem of protection of archaeological objects (on the example of Stone Age sites of Odesa region)]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 45-54.
Rudenko, S.V. 2024. Poselennia ta horodyshcha zarubynetskoi kultury Cherkaskoi oblasti [Settlements and hillforts of the Zarubinets culture of the Cherkasy region]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 45-54.
Ryzhov, S.M., Tysliuk, V.V. 2024. Kohnityvni mozhlyvosti doslidzhennia pihmentiv na kamianykh artefaktakh [Cognitive possibilities of studying pigments on stone artefacts]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 79-91.
Shydlovskyi, P.S., Gladkikh, M.I. 2024. Osoblyvosti prostorovoi povedinky nosiiv mezhyritskoi verkhnopaleolitychnoi tradytsii [Peculiarities of spatial behaviour among bearers of the Mezhyrichian Upper Palaeolithic tradition]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 45-54.
Sokolovska, A.A. 2024. Shtuchnyi Intelekt ta perspektyvy yoho vykorystannia dlia doslidzhennia naskelnoho zhyvopysu doby verkhnoho paleolitu [Artificial Intelligence and Prospects for its Use in the Study of Upper Palaeolithic Rock Art]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 127-135.
Yeredenko, L.I. 2024. Fotohrammetriia. Praktychne zastosuvannia v arkheolohii : naukovi ta hromadski perspektyvy [Photogrammetry. Practical application in Archaeology : Scientific and Public Perspectives]. VITA ANTIQUA, 15. Methods for Monitoring and Research of Archaeological Heritage Objects, 115-125.