Ця збірка наукових статей підготовлена до друку спільно співробітниками кафедри археології та музеєзнавства Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка і Національного заповідника «Софія Київська», присвячена пам’яті відомого археолога, музеєзнавця, педагога, знавця давньослов’янських та давньоруських пам’яток, автора навчальних посібників з музеєзнавства Галини Георгіївни Мезенцевої (1923—1997), а також приурочена до ювілеїв - 70-річчя
від заснування Національного заповідника «Софія Київська» та 60-річчя з часу відкриття кафедри археології, закладів, що займали важливе місце у житті дослідниці.
Загалом до збірки увійшли статті, написані спеціально для неї працівниками ряду музеїв України, що є підсумком їхньої наукової роботи протягом кількох останніх років. Автори розглядають актуальні проблеми розвитку археології та музеєзнавства, торкаються різних аспектів музейної справи, висвітлюють важливі питання вивчення та збереження музейних предметів, зосереджуються також на історичних розвідках, узагальнюють досвід своєї роботи, який, сподіваємось, стане у нагоді тим, кому не стороння справа вивчення, охорони та популяризації вітчизняної історико-культурної спадщини.
Збірка, присвячена проблемам археології, музеєзнавства, культурології, містить статті науковців провідних музеїв України з питань історії, теорії, та методики науково-фондової, експозиційної, культурно-просвітницької роботи музеїв. Для істориків, археологів, музеєзнавців, викладачів та студентів профільних учбових закладів та широкого кола зацікавлених читачів.
01.Ліньова Є.А., Омельченко Ю.А. Г.Г. Мезенцева - археолог, музеєзнавець, педагог, 9-18
Proposed article portrays professor Galina Mezentseva’ activity and expierence as archaeologist, museum expert and educator.
02.Преловська І.М. Деякі обставини утворення Державного заповідника «Софія Київська» у 1930-х рр., 20-27
Proposed paper is devoted to the elucidation of circumstances of ejection of Starokievska religious community of Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) (1919-1934) from the Big Temple of Kievian Sophia’. Investigation is based on the analysis of archive documents concerning the history of foundation of the state reservation of «Kievian Sophia» in 1934. On the basis of wide and various sources author analyzes the process of organization of Sophia branch of so-called «All-Ukrainian Anti-religious town» on the territory of Kyiv Cave monastery. Memoirs of Ivan Skulenko (1901-1990), the first director of state reservation «Kievian Sophia» between 1934 and 1937, are involved in proposed paper.
03.Стрельник М.О. Історичний досвід експозиційної роботи Національного Музею історії України (на матеріалах розділу «Східні слов’яни та давньоруська держава Київська Русь»), 28-36
The National Museum of the History of Ukraine is the real treasury of the most valuable national, historical, cultural and artistic heritage of the nation. Archaeological collection, afforded the base for the foundation of the Museum, consists of ca. 360000 items. More than 3000 of them are exhibited in frames of permanent exposition of the section of «Eastern Slavs and the Kyivska Rus». Author analyses the historical experience of exposition and exhibition creations on the materials of this section.
04.Куріло О.Ю. Вклад наукових товариств та комітетів у створення музеїв та їх археологічних колекцій в Україні, 37-43
The role of scientific societies and committees, and other associations of creative intellectuals in the process of formation of museums and accumulation of archaeological collections is demonstrated in proposed paper.
05.Костенко І.Л. Музей рідкісної книги імені Г.П. Васильківського, 44-46
Paper provides information on historical experience of Y.P. Vasylkivsky museum of rare book of Nizhyn Pedagogical University.
06.Таран О.Г. Науково-практична діяльність Ф. Вовка в галузі української антропології, 48-52
Article outlines the directions and results of scientific-practical activity of Th. Vovk in the field of Ukrainian anthropology. Anthropological expeditions organized all over Ukraine and enlisted cooperation with young scientists provide Th. Vovk with valuable anthropometric data formed the foundations of his views on anthropological structure of Ukrainians.
07.Радієвська Т.М. Роль Федора Вовка у становленні вітчизняного палеолітознавства та його спадщина у зібранні Національного Музею історії України, 53-58
Paper includes essay of life and scientific activity of Th. Vovk, prominent Ukrainian archaeologist, anthropologist, and ethnographist. He was a true founder of Paleolithic studies in Ukraine. Th. Vovk was the first, who put into practice a modern methodology of field archaeological investigations in Ukraine. Materials of the famous site of Mizyn, hold in the National Museum of the History of Ukraine are analyzed in this paper.
08.Кушнір В.К. Академік Володимир Георгійович Шапошников, 59-62
New materials on biography and scientific activity of V.G. Shaposhnikov, currently stored in Polytechnic Museum, are analyzed and published.
09.Нікітенко Мих.М. Нова методика атрибуції і класифікації поховань ямної культури, 64-67
The proposed methodology of study of Pit-grave (Yamna) culture burials enables approaching practically to all bounded problems in a new way, e.g. to divide neatly the burials in accordance with their funeral rites, and to mark out the third group of burials. This latter is characterized by position of dead on a back, with stretched hands and bended knees, and legs not raised, but stacked sideways.
10.Піоро В.І. Бронзовий браслет катакомбної культури з учбового археологічного музею кафедри археології та музеєзнавства Київського університету імені Тараса Шевченка, 68-75
Paper deals with publication of bronze bangle and other related materials recovered in Catacomb barrow in Dnipropetrovs’k region of Ukraine. Analysis of ornamentation on the bangle allows to conclude about close contacts between bearers of Donetsk Catacomb culture and inhabitants of Northern Caucasus.
11.Петрук В.І. Великий священний казан царя Аріанта, 76-86
Conducted research reconfirms the reality of existence of the great sacred boiler of king Ariant, described by Herodotos (IV, 81). The doubts and reproaches in his address in this occasion are denied. On the basis of new approaches to definition of parameters of pantoscythian monument, inverse problem of “population census” obtains certain solution. Possible parameters of the great boiler are as following: diameter 2 m 33 cm, height lm 74 cm, weight 2,8 tons, width of walls 1,4 cm, width of upper rim (border) 6 dactyl (11,6 cm), capacity 5,4 tons. Capacity of amphora used for pouring of consecrated wine is ca. 9 liters. Average weight of arrowhead is 4,7 gram. Correspondingly, the maximal quantity of population of Great Scythia is about 1,6 million. Number of warriors might be estimated at the range ca. 315 thousands; while number of warrior-nomads is ca. 100-160 thousands. Technology of manufacture of boiler with diameter hardly more than 2 m not differ from technology of producing of widely known boilers with diameter about 1 m and provides no technical problems.
12.Піоро І.С., Фарбей О.М. До питання про атрибуцію та духовний зміст християнських символів на сердолікових вставках у персні зі Східного Криму, 87-113
The article is devoted to the analysis of some archaeological finds and historical sources, concerned the process of spread of Early Christianity into the Crimea. The semantics of Early Christian images on cornelian gems from Novo-Otradnoye, Kitey, and Tepsen is investigated and interpreted.
13.Строкова JI.B. Мармурова ступка V-VI ст. з Керчі, 114-116
Recovered in Kertch and stored in the National Museum of the History of Ukraine, marble mortar of V-VI centuries A.D. is published and interpreted in proposed paper. Marble bowls or mortars were widely utilized in household for drying, kneading, and pounding various foodstuffs used in daily preparation of food. Smaller marble vessels, often more carefully made, were used for mixing pigments and unguents for women cosmetics, as well as for crushing medicinal ingredients and for mixing pigments used in painting. Similar bowls, frequently decorated with incised crosses or devotional inscriptions, were also used in the Early Christian period for ecclesiastical purposes.
14.Безкоровайная Ю.Г. Большие пряжки VII ст. из Крыма (из коллекции С.М. Платонова), 117-124
Paper presents Goth materials from the S.M. Platonov’s collection, stored in the National Museum of the History of Ukraine.
15.Нікітенко Мар.М. До історії витоків та складання печерного комплексу Київської Лаври, 125-131
Cave complex of Kyiv Lavra was formed gradually. As community of monks increased, new caves were constructed far and far from the entrance. Therefore, the underground constructions located nearby the entrance, might be considered as the most ancient. Some of these constructions, namely crypts, are analogous to coffins of well-known Palestine sacral complexes. Cave crypts of Kyiv Lavra were perceived as «Coffin of God», were ascetic died for the outer world.
16.Климовський C.I. Будівельна кераміка Успенського і Софійського соборів Києва, 132-140
Constructional ceramics (golosniks) from Kiev cathedrals of St. Sophia and Assumption are compared and investigated. Analysis witness the organization of stone construction in Kiev was changed in course of XI century. Recently discovered signs on golosniks from St. Sophia cathedral represent particular interest. These signs
ascertain the survival of pagan customs among Kiev’s potters till the beginning of XI century. Worthy to stress that part of such signed golosniks were installed into arches of St. Sophia cathedral.
17.Марголіна І.Є. Історія іконостасів Києво-Кирилівської церкви, 141-146
The unique monument of architecture and monumental a rt St. Cyril’s church in Kyiv was built in the first part of the 12th century. During the nine centuries not less then 3 main iconstands have been changed in the temple. These are the ancient templon of the 12th century, the wooden fivetiered iconstand of the 17th century and the marble iconstand of the 19th century. The research of the iconstand of St. Cyril’s church gives one of the most interesting sides of monument’s history.
18.Арустам’ян Ж.Г. До питання атрибуції фрагмента бронзового дзвону з колекції Національного заповідника «Софія Київська», 147-152
The article is dedicated to the publication and analysis of the inscription on the fragment of bronze bell. It was unexpected found in June of 1988 during remount and restoration works near the west façade of Sophia’s bell tower in Kyiv. Being compared with the information of written sources makes it possible to consider this fragment the work of well-known Kyiv craftsmen Ivan Korobkin. He had made this bell in 1781 especially to the order of the Kyiv metropolitan Gabriel. During the campaign of utilisation of bronze bells in Ukraine in the 30ies years of the last century almost the whole collection of Sophia’s bells was destroyed. Korobkin’s bell was broken and only one part of them had been fall into the earth.
19.Іванисько C.I. Джерела для вивчення антропологічних матеріалів з гробниці Ярослава Мудрого в Софійському соборі, 153-169
Proposed paper contains reviw of documents concerning the studies of anthropological materials from the sarcophagus of prince Yaroslav the Wise (1019–1054).
20.Амеліна Л.O. Мистецтво екслібриса. Питання атрибуції творів, 168-174
Exlibris (book-plates) as the work of art is the topic of this article. It deals with study of collection of West European exlibris dated between 16th and beginning of 20th century and stored in the National Art Museum of Ukraine. There are book-plates by famous artists B. Picart, H. Boetius, A. Hildebrandt, H. Baluschek, B. Pankok, M. Swabinsky, M. Ade, W. Geiger, and J. Sattler. Exhibition of the best exlibris from this collection in April-May 2002 was important event for all interested in art of exlibris.
21.Нікітенко Н.М. Софія Київська - образ нового Єрусалима, 176-182
The monumental complex of St. Sophia Cathedral is a figurative personification of an idea of Christian Rus’ as the Kingdom of God – New Jerusalem, which destiny is included into the history as a sacral act of public christening by the prince Volodymyr.
22.Мироненко М.О. Народження Сімаргла (історіографічна проблематика), 183-186
Paper deals with the history of rise and evolution of image of deity named Simargle in paganism of Eastern Slavs. Author attempts to argue the development of idea of this deity in the pantheon of Prince Volodymyr and suggests Iranian origins of Smiragle, that supported by historiographical sources.
23.Бондарець О.В. Буття речі як феномена культури середньовіччя, 187-190
Some aspects of existing of a thing in the context of culture are investigated in proposed article. Special attention is concentrated on peculiarities of its being in the context of Medieval culture. The idea stressed that analysis of actual being of thing should precede the studying of museum exhibits, which are characterized, first of all, by their potential content.
24.Писаренко Ю.Г. Плюшкин - Плутос и самовосприятие человека через внешний мир, 191-196
Parallels between Plyushkin, the character of N. Gogol’s «Dead souls», and ancient Greek god Plutos are investigated and examined in their connection with archaic type of world outlook.
25.Харченко О.В. Дитина в музейному просторі: аспекти освітньо-виховної діяльності в музеях художнього профілю, 198-206
Paper deals with problem of children education in museums of fine art.
26.Білоцька Л.А., Анпілогов П.І. Застосування цифрових технологій в процесі реставраційного обліку графічних творів, 208-209
Digital technique of accounting of graphic creations was developed and demostrates evident economical and convenient effects in routine restorer work.
27.Чернявська Е.В., Анпілогов П.І., Іванисько C.I. Використання обчислювальної техніки для автоматизації процесу звірення музейних фондів, 210-215
Application of automated process of revising of museum collections calls by need in thorough control on their condition. Original method of computer revising was developed and allows easily operate with the whole complex of museum collections organized as database.
28.Лебединский В.В. Подводная археология: проблемы, результаты, перспективы, 216-219
One of the most important branches of archaeology – underwater archaeology – was met with great interest by the scientific and research community at the VIII Conference of the EAA (2002) in Thessaloniki. Interest was naturally peaked by the unique nature of underwater artifacts and sites, which are indispensable for building a holistic view of historic and prehistoric activities associated in and near the marine environment. Likewise, the successful results of recent marine archaeology investigations have highlighted the importance of this branch of archaeological research. Currently, underwater and coastal marine archaeological explorations are being conducted in nearly every European country. Many of these explorations have ushered in new technical methodologies, or are facilitating the development of new underwater data collection and recordation procedures. Many of these techniques, and the depositional environments, in which the cultural resources are detected, are unique to marine archaeology. Wide discussion of the problems connected with underwater archaeological investigations and the exchange of professional experience is necessary for improvement in the methods and practice of underwater archaeological research. It is necessary to gather, analyze and summarize the whole experience that has been accumulated during underwater archaeological research in different geographic areas. Data sharing at this level will greatly help to further the development of underwater archaeology.