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VITA ANTIQUA, 11 (2019)                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 11, 2019, Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects
New Explorations of the Trypillia Settlements of Bugh-Dnieper Interfluve: a collection of flint finds, 144-158

Hofmann R.1, Shatilo L.O.1, Pichkur Ye.V.2
1 Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany)
2 Archaeological Museum of Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

DOI: 10.37098/VA-2019-11-144-158


As a result of the exploration survey carried out at three different-time Trypillian sites in the interfluve of the Bugh and Dnieper rivers (Chyzhivka, Veselyi Kut and Volodymyrivka), an informative collection of flint artifacts was collected.

The most indicative, both quantitatively and qualitatively, is the lithic collection from the settlement of Volodymyrivka. In total, it contains 121 products and is divided into two categories: production wastes and tools. Cores, flakes, blades and other products represent production wastes (56 items). Among the tools (65 lithics), there are retouched blades and flakes, end scrapers, notched, perforators, chisels, sickle insets, arrowheads and other products with secondary processing. Most of the artifacts found in Volodymyrivka made of local raw material, which is found in sufficient quantities along the banks of the Syniukha River, not far from the settlement, although the collection also contains items made of Volynia-like flint. By the nature of the finds, a full cycle of flint processing took place at the settlement: extraction — primary — secondary treatment of flint. This is evidenced by the presence of outcrops of raw material near the settlement and products made of it, which were found directly at the settlement; the presence in the collection of both production wastes and tools related directly to the process of flint knapping – stone hammers; presence of retouched products and cases of their reutilization or repair. The typology and statistics of products almost completely coincides with the data published earlier on the results of excavations. We have also identified tools that were not previously found on the site – chisels.

The closest analogy to the Volodymyrivka lithic assemblage is the collection of the synchronous Andriivka settlement. Comparison of the two assemblages, taking into account the previously published data, made it possible to take a fresh look at the flint industry of the Volodymyrivka local-chronological group and highlight some of its features.

Key words: Trypillia culture, Chalcolithic, settlements, flint artifacts, Eastern Trypillia, Western Trypillia, archaeo-magnetic survey.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:
Hofmann R., Shatilo L.O., Pichkur Ye.V. 2019. New Explorations of the Trypillia Settlements of Bugh-Dnieper Interfluve: a collection of flint finds (Novi rozvidky na trypil’s’kykh poselenniakh Buho-Dnistrovs’koho mezhyrichchia: kolektsiia kremianykh znakhidok). VITA ANTIQUA 11. Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects, p. 144-158 (in Ukrainian).

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