VITA ANTIQUA, 11 (2019) ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research
VITA ANTIQUA 11, 2019, Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects
Finds of Young Archaeologist Mug, 159-165
Peresunchak O.S.
History teacher of communal institution "Zavalliysky Lyceum" of Gayvoron district council of Kirovograd region
DOI: 10.37098/VA-2019-11-159-165
UDK: [902.2:371.385.4](477.65)
The publication is dedicated to the coverage of the activity of the Junior Archeologist Student Circle, which operates on the basis of the communal institution “Zavalliysky Lyceum of the Gayvoron District Council of the Kirovograd region, and which will celebrate the 20th anniversary next year. This children’s association was created with the purpose of interest of young people in the ancient history of the region, education of the younger generation of respect for the monuments of history and cultures, deepening knowledge of the history of Ukraine. It was possible to combine the work of the students with the study in the archeology section of the Kirovograd Small Academy of Sciences of the student youth, which in turn made it possible to achieve some practical and theoretical successes. As a result of a systematic survey of the territory of Middle Pobuzhye, new archeological monuments were discovered, numerous archaeological material were collected and were threatened with destruction as a result of man-made activities. In general, in the territory of the region the circles surveyed settlements, mounds and other objects of different time intervals, starting from the Neolithic period of the Cossack period. Circumstances were constantly reported to the relevant scientific institutions by the founders, and the found artifacts were transmitted for further work by archaeological scientists.Еffective cooperation was established between scientists and young researchers of Pobuzhye. Soon, such cooperation extended beyond the borders of Ukraine. This article is perhaps the first attempt to share experience in the educational process of exploring the archeology students of the Middle Pobuzhye and to introduce into art circulation artifacts that were partially disclosed, as well as those that were not previously known to a wide range of scientists. We hope that this will help attract the attention of scientists to our region, as well as help protect and preserve the cultural heritage of the past.
Key words: Middle Pobuzhya, culture of line-ribbon ceramics, Trypillian culture, anthropomorphic plastic, Bronze Age, Chernyakhiv culture.
Language: Ukrainian
Cite as:
Peresunchak, O.S. 2019. Finds of Young Archaeologist Mug (Znakhidky hurtka «Iunyi arkheoloh»). VITA ANTIQUA 11. Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects, p. 159-165 (in Ukrainian).
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