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VITA ANTIQUA, 11 (2019)                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 11, 2019, Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects
The Dialogue of Two Archaeologists 1963-2020: scientific diplomacy (Jan Gurba – Valentina Korpusova), 66-77

Korpusova V.M.
Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

DOI: 10.37098/VA-2019-11-66-77


This article is dedicated to the scientific dialogue of two archaeologists: Dr. J. Gurba (Poland) and Dr. V. Korpusova (Ukraine). This dialogue became possible because of the international exchange program between Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv and Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin. This program provided an opportunity for scientists to share scientific and cultural experience by direct human communication, to spread mutual understanding between people with common values, and provided an opportunity to establish professional contacts and meet new friends. The international exchange program is one of the many areas of work that the Department of Archeology and Museum Studies at Kyiv University is doing. With this program Dr. Gurba came for the internship in 1963-1964. He became a link between Polish and Ukrainian archaeologists, and facilitated the distribution of Ukrainian research achievements in Poland. Many Ukrainian scientists became his friends since then. One of those people is the author of this article, who worked at that time in the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This friendship, based on the common shared values and interests, continues through mail for more than half a century (since 1963).

This dialog helps to exchange scientific and cultural information, international publication of scientific articles, and spread of shared values. A special place in this dialogue is dedicated to the prominent scientists connected with the Department of Archeology and Museum Studies of KU: Professor L.M. Slavin (1906-1971), Dr. I.G. Shovkoplyas (1921-1997), and a graduate of KU Dr. V.P. Petrov (Domontovich) (1894-1969), who graduated from the University of Saint Volodymyr (as it was called then) in 1918. These people were my teachers, to whom I have dedicated multiple publications. Many Ukrainian publications of Polish archeologist Dr. Gurba are dedicated to them as well. He also published multiple articles about these people and other Ukrainian scientists and reviews of their work in Poland. Dr. Gurba always supports publication of my articles dedicated to Ukrainian archeologists V.P. Petrov, N.M. Kravchenko, M.I. Vyazmitina in Poland. Long lasting mail communication between Dr. Gurba and Dr. Korpusova is a good example of international exchange program outcomes.

Key words: archeology, educational exchange program, Ukraine, Poland, correspondence, Department of Archeology and Museology KNU.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:
Korpusova, V.M. 2019. The Dialogue of Two Archaeologists 1963-2020: scientific diplomacy (Jan Gurba – Valentina Korpusova) (Dialoh dvokh arkheolohiv 1963-2020: naukova dyplomatiia (Ian Hurba – Valentyna Korpusova). VITA ANTIQUA 11. Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies : educational and research aspects, p. 66-77 (in Ukrainian).

Ber, V. 1945. Istorychni korinnya ukrayinsʹkoyi natsiyi. Chas. (Fyurt), №8, s.8-9. (in Ukrainian).
Ber, V. 1946. Arkheolohichna konferentsiya v Avhsburzi. Chas. (Fyurt), ch. 5(19), s. 4. (in Ukrainian).
Gurba, J.S. 2007. Profesor L.M. Slavin u polʹsʹkiy arkheolohiyi. Arkheolohiya, №1, s. 51-52. (in Ukrainian).
Korpusova, V.M. 2008 (Uporyadnyk, avtor vstupu, ta prymitok). Viktor Petrov (Domontovych) u dokumentakh ta spohadakh suchasnykiv. Ukrayinska biohrafistyka, Vyp. 4. – S. 306-339. (in Ukrainian).
Korpusova, V.M. 1996. L.M. Slavin – direktor Instituta arkheologii Ukrainy. Mir Olvii. Kiev, s. 24-31. (in Russian).
Korpusova, V.M. 2001. V.P. Petrov yak istoriosof. Muzeyni chytannya. Materialy naukovoyi konferentsiyi, hrudenʹ 2000 r., m. Kyiv. s. 6-12. (in Ukrainian).
Korpusova, V.M. 2002a. Ob odnoy osobennosti khristianskogo pogrebalnogo obryada srednevekovogo naseleniya Vostochnogo Kryma. Sugdeya, Surozh, Soldayya v istorii i kulture Rusi – Ukrainy. Materialy nauchnoy konferentsii (16-22 sentyabrya 2002 g.). Kiyev-Sudak: Natsionalnyy zapovednik «Sofiya Kiyevskaya», s. 132-137. (in Russian).
Korpusova, V.M. 2002b. V. Petrov (Domontovych): etnohenetyka yak svoboda samovyyavlennya. Slovo i Chas, № 10 (502), S. 17-25. (in Ukrainian).
Korpusova, V.M. 2007. Lazar Moyseyovych Slavin – dyrektor Instytutu arkheolohiyi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayiny. Arkheolohiya, №1, s. 31-39. (in Ukrainian).
Korpusova, V.M. 2008. Iz ostannoho zhyttyepysu Viktora Platonovycha Petrova (Domontovycha): «Vin buv lyudynoyu poklykannya, a ne vyznannya». Ukrayinska biohrafistyka, Vyp. 4, s. 340-365. (in Ukrainian).
Korpusova, V.M. 2016. Ivan Havrylovych Shovkoplyas – lyudyna poklykannya. Ukrayinska biohrafistyka, Vyp. 13, s. 81-92. (in Ukrainian).
Petrov, V. 2013. Rozvidky. V 3 t. Uporyad., avtor peredmovy ta prymitok V. Bryukhovetsʹkyy. Kyiv: Tempora, 1703 s. (in Ukrainian).
Gurba, J. 2004. «Archeologiczne Listy» na 70-lecie Instytutu Archeologii NAN Ukrainy 1934-2004. Jerzy Libera і Anna Zakościelna (eds.) Instytut Archeologii UMCS w Lublinie, R. 21, Nr 1(60).
Gurba, J. 2005. Straty osobowe archeologii polskiej w czasie II wojny światowej (próba uzupełnień). Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie – Sklodowskiej, Lublin-Polonia, Vol. LX, s. 257-264.
Gurba, J. 2008. Profesor Lazar M. Slawin w Polskiej archeologii. Archeologia Polski, t. LIII:, z. 1, s. 145-147.
Hensel, W. 1974. L’ethnogenesologie. Slavia Antiqua, t. ХХІ, s. 1-4.
Korpusowa, W. 1998. Pamieci Marii Wiazmitiny – ukrainskiego badacza Sarmatow I Scytow. Archeologia Polski Środkowowschodniej. ІІІ – Lublin – Chelm – Zamość, s. 310-312.
Lepecki, M. B. 1936. W blaskach wojny (wydanie II). Lwow – Warszawa.

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VITA ANTIQUA, 11 (2019)                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 11, 2019, Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects
The Archaeological Museums of Institutions of Higher Education of Ukraine: cultural and educational aspects of activity, 53-58

Moskalenko A.V.
National University of Culture and Arts of Kyiv

DOI: 10.37098/VA-2019-11-53-58
UDK: [902:069:378](477)


Archaeological  museums  of  higher  educational  institutions  are  not  a  new  phenomenon  at  the Ukrainian territory and their origins reach the beginning of the 19th century. However, their number has increased significantly by the present stage. The phenomenon that shifts from quantitative to qualitative, influencing, in addition to the educational and scientific process in the university space, the cultural processes of the modern urban environment, requires scientific understanding and explanation.

The article describes the main formation stages of archaeological museums at higher educational institutions on the territory of modern Ukraine. The author determines when and under what historical conditions the appearance of most university’s archaeological museums took place. The author thinks there were both objective and subjective premises and causes for this. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the territorial, cultural and chronological affiliation of archaeological collections that underline designated museums.

The author describes the main activities of university’s archaeological museums. The special attention is paid to the systematization of the current directions and ways of cultural and educational activities of these museums. The comparative analysis of the cultural and educational activities of these institutions with the similar work of other core museums is carried out.

The author comes to conclusions about the specificity, trends of the establishing and functioning of archaeological museums of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to generalizing the specificity of the cultural and educational work and its correlation with other activity areas of these museums. Summarizing, author determines the role of university’s archaeological museums in creating of modern urban cultural space, in general, also indicates their place onto the urban cultural institutions system of archaeological profile, in particular.

Key words: an archaeological museum, institute of high education, cultural and educational activity, excursion, exhibition, archaeological club.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:
Moskalenko, A.V. 2019. The Archaeological Museums of Institutions of Higher Education of Ukraine: cultural and educational aspects of activity (Arkheolohichni muzei zakladiv vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy: kulturno-prosvitnytskyi aspekt diialnosti). VITA ANTIQUA 11. Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies : educational and research aspects, p. 53-58 (in Ukrainian).

Arkheolohichnyi muzei [online]. Rezhym dostupu: [Data zvernennia 01.11. 2019]. (In Ukrainian).
Istoriia muzeiu. In: Muzei arkheolohii SNU imeni Lesi Ukrainky [online]. Rezhym dostupu: [Data zvernennia 01.11. 2019]. (In Ukrainian).
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Hurtok arkheolohii [online]. Rezhym dostupu: [Data zvernennia 01.11. 2019] (In Ukrainian).
Novyny. 21 veresnia 2019 roku. Karazinskyi universytet vkotre vziav uchast v aktsii “Nich nauky” [online]. Rezhym dostupu: [Data zvernennia 01.11. 2019] (In Ukrainian).
Lokatsiia “Tsikava arkheolohiia” na Misti Profesii u Lvovi [online]. Rezhym dostupu: [Data zvernennia 31.10.2019] (In Ukrainian).
Pohoralskyi, Ya. 2007. Arkheolohichnyi muzei Lvivskoho universytetu – 40 rokiv z chasu vidnovlennia diialnosti. Arkheolohichni doslidzhennia Lvivskoho universytetu, 10. Lviv. (In Ukrainian).
Samoilenko, I. 2014. Universytetski arkheolohichni zibrannia. Kulturolohichnyi visnyk Nyzhnoi Naddniprianshchyny, s. 30-34. (In Ukrainian).
Samoilenko, I. 2015. Polovi arkheolohichni kolektsii yak osnova muzeinoho zibrannia (na prykladi muzeiu Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu). Scriptorium nostrum, 1-2, s. 99-106. (In Ukrainian).
Samoilenko, L. 2016. Osvita v muzei ta muzeina osvita v istorii Kyivskoho universytetu. Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, History, 4 (131), s. 53-61. (In Ukrainian).
Samoilenko, L.H. 2019. About the University Museum studies of Ukraine in general and the Archaeological Museum of Kyiv National University in particular. In: Terpylovskyi, R.V., Shydlovskyi, P.S. (eds.). International Scientific Conference «ARCHAEOLOGY AND MUSEOLOGY IN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH» on the occasion of 75-th anniversary of the Department of Archaeology and Museology (October 24 - 25, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine): Abstracts, Kyiv, p. 60-61.
Samoilenko, L., Shydlovskyi P., 2016. Mezhyrich settlement: What will be future of our past? (Mezhyritska stoianka: yake maibutnie v nashoho mynuloho? Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, History, 4 (131), s. 62-69. (In Ukrainian), .
Shydlovskyi, I.V. 2012. Istoriia muzeinoi spravy ta zoolohichnykh muzeiv universytetiv Ukrainy. Lviv: LNU im. Ivana Franka (In Ukrainian).
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VITA ANTIQUA, 11 (2019)                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 11, 2019, Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies : educational and research aspects
Implementation of the Specialty “Museum Studies, Monument Studies” at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 39-52

Ivanysko S.I., Shydlovskyi P.S., Synytsia Ye.V.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

UDK: [069:351.853:378](477.411)


Specialty 027 “Museum Studies, Monument Studies” programs have been launched in Taras Shevchenko National University at 2018, based on current educational requirements. Curricula were developed taking into account the practical experience of teachers, graduates and colleagues. When designing the educational program, the project teams proceeded from the fact that in the process of studying the student should:

  • a) to acquire knowledge about the specific activities of museum institutions;
  • b) to familiarize with the available examples, to study the experience of the leading museums of Ukraine and the world;
  • c) to acquire practical skills in various forms of museum work.

A considerable number of classes take place in museum institutions, which allows students to acquire the necessary practical skills, be acquainted with the rather colourful range of equipment used in the field, and directly observe the use of various techniques of museum work. Despite the keen interest in admission to the Master’s degree program among alumni-bachelors of the Faculty of History of the University, as well as graduates of other higher education institutions, as evidenced by the statistics of applications for admission, one of the weaknesses of the educational program is the lack of complexity of groups. The number of students is less than half the licensed volume of recruitment, which is explained by the small number of budget places. However, not only the negative but also the positive aspects caused by the reformatting of the educational process due to the lack of complexity of the groups. The small number of students means that during the classroom, it is about the individual interaction of the teacher with the students.

Teachers of educational programs have practical experience in working in museums and heritage preservation institutions, maintain regular contacts with practitioners, and participate directly in the work of permanent and temporary advisory and expert bodies in the field of museums and protection of monuments. These conditions transform teachers into direct translators from the practical sphere into the educational field the latest trends in heritage protection and museum studies. An important aspect is also a kind of monitoring of the potential labour market and the existence of healthy lobbying links that contribute to the further employment of graduates.

Key words: Museology, Monument Studies, Education, institution of higher education, educational and scientific program.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:
Ivanysko S.I., Shydlovskyi P.S., Synytsia Ye.V. 2019. Implementation of the Specialty “Museum Studies, Monument Studies” at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Zaprovadzhennia spetsialnosti «Muzeieznavstvo, pamiatkoznavstvo» v Kyivskomu natsionalnomu universyteti imeni Tarasa Shevchenka). VITA ANTIQUA 11. Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies : educational and research aspects, p. 39-52 (in Ukrainian).

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. 2016. History, 4 (131). Kyiv: Kyivskyi universytet. .
Dovidnyk kvalifikatsiinykh kharakterystyk profesii pratsivnykiv. 2000. Vyp. 81, «Kultura i mystetstvo». Rozdil 2. “Muzeii ta zaklady muzeinoho typu”. .
Zakon Ukrainy «Pro vyshchu osvitu». 2014. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady, 2014, №37-38. .
Kruhlyi stil na temu «Kulturna spadshchyna Ukrainy: doslidzhennia, muzeiefikatsiia, okhorona ta zberezhennia». 2016. Kyiv: Department of Archaeology and Museology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. .
Mizhnarodna naukova konferentsiia «Arkheolohiia ta muzeina sprava v systemi osvity ta nauky». 2019. Kyiv: Department of Archaeology and Museology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. .
MKMS pidpysalo memorandum pro spivpratsiu z istorychnym fakultetom KNU im. Tarasa Shevchenka, March 13, 2020. .
Natsionalnyi klasyfikator Ukrainy. 2005. Klasyfikator profesii DK 003:2005. .
Natsionalnyi klasyfikator Ukrainy. 2010. Klasyfikator profesii DK 003:2010. .
Osvitno-naukova prohrama «Muzeieznavstvo, pam’iatkoznavstvo». Riven vyshchoi osvity: druhyi. 2018. Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. .
Osvitno-profesiina prohrama «Muzeieznavstvo, pam’iatkoznavstvo». Riven vyshchoi osvity: pershyi. 2018. Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. .
Okhorona pam’iatok. 2019. YouTube channel Paleoethnological Research: Center for Paleoethnological Research. .
Polozhennia pro orhanizatsiiu osvitnoho protsesu u Kyivskomu natsionalnomu universyteti imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. 2018. Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. .
Polozhennia pro poriadok realizatsii studentamy Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka prava na vilnyi vybir navchalnykh dystsyplin. 2018. Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. .
Postanova Kabinetu ministriv Ukrainy «Pro zatverdzhennia pereliku haluzei znan i spetsialnostei, za yakymy zdiisniuietsia pidhotovka zdobuvachiv vyshchoi osvity». 2015. Kyiv: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. .
Samoilenko, L.H. 2006. Muzei Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka: istoriia, dosvid roboty, perspektyvy rozvytku. Visnyk Odeskoho istoryko-kraieznavchoho muzeiu, 3, July 2006. Odesa, s. 61-66. .
Samoilenko, L.H. 2012. Sozdanie kafedry` arkheologii i muzeevedeniya v Kievskom universitete. Arkheolohiia i davnia istoriia Ukrainy, 9. Istoriia arkheolohii: doslidnyky ta naukovi tsentry. K.: ІA NANU, s. 228-234.
Samoilenko, L.H. 2016. Osvita v muzei i muzeina osvita v istorii Kyivskoho universytetu (Education in Museum and Museum Education in the History of the University of Kyiv). Bulletin of Taras  Shevchenko  National University of Kyiv, History, 4 (131), s. 53-62.

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VITA ANTIQUA, 11 (2019)                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 11, 2019, Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects
Introduction. Bifurcation point, 9-20

Shydlovskyi P.S.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

DOI: 10.37098/VA-2019-11-9-20


The time of compiling this collection was marked by several significant events, which deal both global problems and, in particular, our archaeological, monument and museum studies community. More than half of humanity has found itself in voluntary or forced isolation due to the spread of the COVID-19. Nevertheless, this isolation did not cause inaction in the field of education and science in Ukraine, and, under quarantine, we face the problems of further and eternal reforming of the system of domestic science and education. Specific challenges at the global and national levels make us think about the fate and place of spheres involved in the study and preservation of human heritage. In conditions of uncertainty about the future of large communities, world and European institutions, in the general economic crisis and recession, the humanistic principles of modern civilization and specific programs related to educating people to care for the environment and the achievements of previous generations should play a particularly important role.

Significant issues arise in the field of higher education because of attempts to subordinate the educational process to the “requirements of the labor market”. This approach is reflected in the neglect of basic knowledge and “real science”, narrowing the concept of universal education to the development of a set of useful skills that are beneficial to employers in the exploitation of the future employee. This state of domestic science leads to a decrease in the social significance of the scientific worldview and distrust of society and its “elite” to the modern scientific paradigm.

The modern world is at a bifurcation point - a critical breakdown of outdated control systems that can no longer meet the needs of modern human. Clumsy bureaucracies are ineffective due to the fact that they focus most of their activities on maintaining their own existence and reproduction and, in this case, quickly lose out to civil society initiatives. One such research initiative is VITA ANTIQUA, an independent edition funded without budgetary resources. The pages of the magazine constantly raise issues of preservation of archaeological and museum heritage, reveal topical issues of monument protection.

Key words: cultural heritage, higher education, science, bureaucracy, public organizations

Language: English/Ukrainian


Cite as:
Shydlovskyi, P.S. 2019. Introduction. Bifurcation point. VITA ANTIQUA 11. Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects, p. 9-20.

ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)

Dear friends and colleagues!

The Center for Paleoethnological Research and the Department of Archeology and Museum Studies of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University are pleased to invite you to participate in the creation of a new collection of scientific works entitled: "Methods of monitoring and recording archaeological heritage objects".

The issue will be devoted to the latest methods in archeology that are used in modern research.

Original works in Ukrainian and English containing information on:

  • the current state of study and protection of archaeological heritage monuments;
  • remote and non-invasive methods of fixing archaeological objects;
  • application of advanced technologies in work related to monitoring and recording of archaeological monuments;
  • new directions of archaeological research.

The collection will be published online and printed by the Center for Paleoethnological Studies in the VITA ANTIQUA series, 2024.

You can familiarize yourself with the requirements for articles at the link:

To confirm your participation in the formation of the collection, send a letter with information about the names, positions and place of work of the authors, as well as the working title of the proposed article, to the address

The deadline for submitting articles is April 1, 2024.

We invite you to spread the information among the widest possible range of interested persons!


The Editorial Board of VITA ANTIQUA publishing

Center for Paleoethnological Research



БезымянныйThe collection of scientific works is devoted to contemporary research on development and interaction of prehistoric networks in the Holocene Europe. Chronologically, the collection covers the final phases of the Stone Age and the beginning of the age of early metals. Particular attention is paid to the process of Neolithization and interaction between different societies in Southern and Eastern Europe.

...continue reading "Prehistoric Networks in Southern and Eastern Europe. – VITA ANTIQUA, #10. Collection of scientific works. – Kyiv : 2018."


imageThis volume presents the abstracts prepared for the international conference dedicated to 75-th anniversary of the Department of Archaeology and Museology Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The publication includes materials that cover current methodological issues of archaeological science, museum studies, the protection of cultural heritage and the functioning of these disciplines in the educational system. ...continue reading "International Scientific Conference «ARCHAEOLOGY AND MUSEOLOGY IN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH» on the occasion of 75-th anniversary of the Department of Archaeology and Museology"

VITA ANTIQUA,     ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 10, 2018, Prehistoric Networks in Southern and Eastern Europe, 176-191
‘River People’ of the Northern Black Sea and Macedonia
Chausidis Nikos
Ss. Cyril & Methodius University in Skopje, Institute for History of Art and Archaeology



Communication between the Northern Black Sea and Macedonia can be traced during all historical periods, that is, since prehistory up until the middle ages. Processes originating from the periods of the first use of the metal and the Early Middle Age are the most referred ones in the literature. This paper focuses on facts and acknowledgements, which refer to relations between these two geographical locations by the end of the 2nd millennium up until the first few centuries of the 1st millennium BC. Moreover, the already known archaeological facts will be supplemented with relevant written sources referring to exact historical events and populations and their ethnonyms, toponyms and other cultural features.

The article is based upon the thesis of the existence of intense relations between the Northern Black Sea and Macedonia towards the end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, confirmed with various traditions related to rivers. Toponyms and ethnonyms containing the following roots sind-, sinth-, sith-, are given as a first indicator, confirmed in both regions through ancient sources, thus considering its Indo-Aryan interpretation as a river. Such interpretation is considered in context of the theories of Indo-Aryans moving south of the Northern Black Sea at the second half of the 2nd millennium BC; the Balkans being one of their directions. This last trajectory is related to the presence of Cimmerians and Hyperboreans at this peninsula, also verified in ancient written sources. A special significance is given to the ancient reports of Aria as the oldest name for Thrace. Numerous archaeological finds also refer to these motions, confirmed with a relevant literature. Moreover, different traditions witnessed in ancient sources are noted regarding the role of rivers in the spiritual culture of populations of both regions, especially in genealogical myths. Bull as a zoomorphic epiphany of river gods is especially emphasized, manifested with similar traditions, among which the roots taur-, taor found in the toponymy, ethnonymy and the theonymy of both regions.

Key words: Indo-Aryans, Macedonia, river cults, Thraco-Cimmerians, Sindoi, Tauria

Language: English


UDK: 903’13(4-11)

VITA ANTIQUA,     ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 10, 2018, Prehistoric Networks in Southern and Eastern Europe, 165-175
Archaeological excavations and reconstructions of disappeared archaeological heritage (based on excavations in North-Western Russia)
Mazurkevich Andrey¹
, Dolbunova Ekaterina¹, Ottonello Luca²

¹ The State Hermitage Museum
² University of Reading



Archaeological excavations allow us to investigate archaeological heritage, but at the same time, they lead to its destruction. Multi-layer archaeological sites, which were settled during multiple stages of occupation and include several cultural horizons, represent a number of events. Their “decoding” is possible only by application of various methods – archaeological, natural-scientific, as well as the use of virtual modelling. Archaeological excavations allow tracing of different stages of people inhabitation, whereas digital reconstruction gives the possibility to visualize these stages and reconstruct disappeared archaeological heritage, destroyed in the course of people activity during long time. In this case archaeological field documentation, precise recording, further researches and reconstructions based on them are tightly interrelated.

Combination of different methods gives the potential of preserving and telling the stories in a way that was never possible before; creating time pictures of explorable areas with an unprecedented level of detail by using animation and reconstruction methods, which could finally contribute a lot to interpretation of the sites. Computer-based visualisation seeks to represent the existing state, an evidence-based restoration or a hypothetical reconstruction of a cultural heritage object or site, and the extent and nature of any factual uncertainty. Such a combination of methods was applied during researches of Neolithic sites in North-Western Russia, in Dnepr-Dvina region. Analysis made in Dnepr-Dvina area allowed making virtual reconstructions of several sites, tracing particularities of artefacts deposition and cultural layers formation, identifying particularities of paleoenvironmental situation during different periods and finally visualization of ancient sites.

Key words: virtual reconstructions, digital archaeology, North-Western Russia, 3D modelling, archaeological excavations

Language: English


UDK: 902.004.68

VITA ANTIQUA,     ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 10, 2018, Prehistoric Networks in Southern and Eastern Europe, 155-164
Between the seas: Baltic-Pontic contact space in the 3rd millennium BC
Szmyt Marzena
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Institute of Eastern Studies



This paper is devoted to some questions from the prehistory of areas situated between two seas: the Baltic in the north-west and the Black in the south-east. The territory in question is located between two big rivers – the Vistula and Dnieper. Despite many essential differences, in the 3rd millennium BC the areas between the Vistula and Dnieper rivers were covered by a network of multi-directional circulation of peoples, cultural patterns and innovations. This particular set of movements gradually commanded an increasingly greater area, where agrarian societies as well as quasi-pastoral and early pastoral ones functioned. The intensity of these relationships justifies using the name Baltic-Pontic contact space.

In the 3rd mill. BC the territories between the Vistula and Dnieper rivers were covered by a network of multi-directional circulation of peoples and cultural patterns, ideas and innovations. This particular set of movements gradually commanded an increasingly greater area, where agrarian societies as well as quasi-pastoral and early pastoral ones functioned. In this context, it is possible to identify thanks to their presence, direct and indirect markers that indicate the rise of cultural and social transformations, as well as changes that hitherto stable cultural boundaries underwent. No doubt, this proved to be one of the significant foundation stones at the close of the 3rd and 2nd mill. BC for the reorganisation of culture as far as the Baltic-Pontic region was concerned.

An especially great challenge, of a Pan-European rank, is posed by the question of relations between Central European and Steppe societies, especially from the point of view of the origins of the CWC circle. For this question, the key area appears to have been located between the Carpathians, the Western Bug and the Dniester or even Southern Bug rivers.

Key words: 3rd millennium BC, Vistula - Dnieper interfluve, circulation of ideas and people, cultural contacts

Language: English


UDK: 903’1(4-11)”636”