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VITA ANTIQUA                                                                                     ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

Serhii Telizhenko¹
The War in Ukraine: new challenges for archaeology
1Insitute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

DOI: 10.37098/VA-2023-14-24-35


As a result of the Russian aggression, which began in 2014, hundreds, if not thousands, of cultural heritage sites were destroyed or damaged to one degree or another. Against this background, the objects of archaeological heritage, which include settlements, hillforts, barrows, burial mounds (kurgans), etc., stand out. Work on collecting information on damaged archaeological sites began back in 2014. In 2016, after a monitoring mission to study the state of archaeological heritage in the war zone within the territory of Luhansk region, information began to be collected somewhat more actively. Starting from February 2022, when even more Ukrainian territory was subjected to military action, even more archaeological heritage sites were damaged or completely destroyed. Identification and analysis of cases related to the destructive impact of the war on the archaeological heritage is the main task for the near future. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop methodological recommendations. The publication proposes the allocation of three conditional groups of locations of archaeological heritage objects:

group A - objects in the zone of cessation of hostilities or in the zone of active hostilities in the unoccupied territory (controlled by Ukraine);

group B - objects in the zone close to the front line, military operations were not carried out, but archaeological objects were damaged by the military (territory controlled by Ukraine);

Group C - objects in the zone where hostilities are no longer taking place, or in the zone of active military operations in the occupied territory.

Given the existing information, a preliminary typology of the nature of damage to archaeological heritage objects was developed, which includes 6 items:

  • Mounds with partially destroyed embankments as a result of shelling (presence of ruptures from explosions);
  • Mounds damaged as a result of the arrangement of protective structures/support and observation point or firing points with the help of machinery or hand tools;
  • Settlements, hillforts, and ground necropolis, on the day surface of which there are ruptures from explosions (the integrity of the object is damaged);
  • Settlements, hillforts, and ground necropolis that were damaged or destroyed as a result of the construction of protective structures;
  • Mined areas;
  • Areas with objects of archaeological heritage allocated for large-scale construction of military infrastructure (Crimean Peninsula). The construction of civil infrastructure in the occupied territories is a topic for a separate study.

In all cases, the degree of damage is indicated separately. The possibility of supplementing or correcting the data is not excluded, since the research process is at the stage of development. It also offers 4 ways of obtaining information about the facts of the destruction of archaeological heritage sites, including private messages, monitoring of social networks and specialized forums, visual monitoring, and research of satellite images.




Cite as:

Telizhenko, S. 2023. Viina v Ukraini: novi vyklyky dlia arkheolohii (The War in Ukraine: new challenges for archaeology). VITA ANTIQUA, 14. Culture Heritage and the War : challenges and solutions.


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Okupanty hrabuiut muzei ta pryvatni kolektsii v Khersonskii oblasti, vkradene vyvoziat v okupovanyi Krym

Telizhenko, S.A. 2020. Arkheolohichni Pam’iatky i Viina [Archaeological Sites and the War]. Kyiv: Spilka arkheolohiv Ukrainy [Union of Archaeologists of Ukraine], (in Ukrainian),

Telizhenko, S.A., Hardy, S. 2019. Video Report Arkheolohiia na Okupovanykh Terytoriiakh ta u Zonakh Zbroinykh Konfliktiv [Archeology in Occupied Territories and Zones of Armed Conflicts],

Telizhenko, S. 2016. Monitoring Archaeological Sites & Monuments in a War Zone.

Shydlovskyi, P.S., Telizhenko, S.A., Ivakin, V.H. 2023. Archaeological Monitoring in War-Torn Ukraine, The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice,

Telizhenko, S. 2016. Monitoring Archaeological Sites & Monuments in a War Zone.

VITA ANTIQUA                                                                                     ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

Alla Bujskikh1, Vsevolod Ivakin2, Pavlo Shydlovskyi3, Ivan Zotsenko4
Archaeological Sites During the War: field experience and legal aspect (on the example of the Archaeological Monitoring Expedition works in Kyiv and Kyiv region in 2022)
1, 2, 4 Insitute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
3Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

DOI: 10.37098/VA-2023-14-36-59


The issue of recording the damage caused to cultural heritage as a result of unprovoked aggression of the Russian Federation is extremely relevant. The process of monitoring the destruction of objects takes place both at the state level and thanks to the activities of civil initiatives. However, at the present stage, the analysis of losses focuses mainly on objects of architecture, monumental art and religious buildings. On the other hand, recording the destruction of archaeological sites, due to certain features, faces significant difficulties. This situation is related to the unrevealed state of the archaeological objects themselves, the detection of which is possible due to significant landscape transformations. Among the main factors that make it difficult to record the loss of archaeological heritage, the following should be mentioned: problems related to the accounting of archeology objects, issues of limited remote and direct access to sites in the de-occupied and front-line territories, immediate risks to life and health when conducting field research.

In order to solve problems in the field of documenting damage to the archaeological heritage, representatives of a number of domestic scientific, educational and museum institutions created an interdisciplinary Archaeological Landscapes Monitoring Group, whose task is to record losses at archaeological sites. Currently, the work of the group is carried out in the territories of Kyiv and Chernihiv regions within the framework of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) project 'Ukrainian Archaeological Heritage, threatened by war: saving and protection'. One of the conclusions obtained during the work of the Group was the understanding of the need for direct field studies of destroyed areas of landscapes, given the limited use of remote methods of studying and the need for production site-protection documentation, which provides for the cultural and chronological attribution of objects.

The article provides a brief summary of the Group's work in Kyiv region and analyzes the compliance of monitoring activities with international standards. One of the conclusions of the proposed study is the statement about the need for a long-term state program for compiling the archaeological cadastre of Ukraine. The crisis in the archaeological heritage accounting system and the existing need to record losses in the field of archaeology during the war allows to restart the system of sites registering at a modern level and with the use of international experience.

Key words: cultural heritage, archaeological monitoring, recording of damages, war, archaeological landscape, accounting of sites.

Language: Ukrainian


Cite as:

Bujskikh, A.V., Ivakin, V.H., Shydlovskyi, P.S., Zotsenko, I.V. 2023. Pamiatky arkheolohii pid chas viiny: polovyi dosvid ta yurydychnyi aspekt (na prykladi robit MAE u m. Kyievi ta Kyivskii oblasti u 2022 r.) [Archaeological Sites During the War: field experience and legal aspect (on the example of the Archaeological Monitoring Expedition works in Kyiv and Kyiv region in 2022)]. VITA ANTIQUA, 14. Culture Heritage and the War : challenges and solutions.


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Buiskykh, A., Zotsenko, I., Shydlovskyi, P. 2022. Poperedni rezultaty monitorynhu arkheolohichnykh pam’iatok u Kyievi ta Kyivskii oblasti. In: Shydlovskyi, P., Kornienko, M., Ivakin, V. (eds.). Scientific and Practical Seminar ‘Protection and Preservation of Archaeological Heritage of Ukraine’ (23 November 2022): Abstracts. Kyiv: KZ ‘Center for Conservation of Archaeological Objects’, 12. [In Ukrainian].

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Shydlovskyi, P., Ivakin, V., Ivanova, O. (2022). Peredumovy stvorennia ta vektory diialnosti mizhhaluzevoi Hrupy monitorynhu arkheolohichnykh landshaftiv. In: Shydlovskyi, P., Kornienko, M., Ivakin, V. (eds.). Scientific and Practical Seminar ‘Protection and Preservation of Archaeological Heritage of Ukraine’ (23 November 2022): Abstracts. Kyiv: KZ ‘Center for Conservation of Archaeological Objects’, 10. [in Ukrainian].

Shydlovskyi, P., Kornienko, M., Ivakin, V. (eds.). (2022). Scientific and Practical Seminar ‘Protection and Preservation of Archaeological Heritage of Ukraine’ (23 November 2022): Abstracts. Kyiv: KZ ‘Center for Conservation of Archaeological Objects’. [in Ukrainian].

Hardy, S.A. 2022. Looting of Antiquities from Ukraine by soldiers, collaborators and ordinary criminals, trafficking to and through russia and dealing and collecting in Western Europe, since 2014. In: Shydlovskyi, P., Kornienko, M., Ivakin, V. (eds.). Scientific and Practical Seminar ‘Protection and Preservation of Archaeological Heritage of Ukraine’ (23 November 2022): Abstracts. Kyiv: KZ ‘Center for Conservation of Archaeological Objects’, 15.

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Shydlovskyi, P.S., Telizhenko, S.A., Ivakin, V.H. 2023. Archaeological Monitoring in War-Torn Ukraine, The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice,

VITA ANTIQUA                                                                                      ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research

Oleksandra Ivanova¹, Pavlo Shydlovskyi²
Protect the past - to save the future (Instead of a Foreword)

¹,² Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

DOI: 10.37098/VA-2023-14-10-22


Ukrainian society is going through one of the most difficult moments of its historical development - the brutal and unprovoked aggression of the Russian Federation on our peaceful towns and villages, which for our people has become a struggle for real freedom and independence. Wars all over the world always have the similar consequences, and the Russian-Ukrainian war is no exception: they lead to terrible casualties among the civilian population, mass displacement, violations of human rights and neglect of international humanitarian law. One of the manifestations of such violations is the destruction of cultural heritage; it becomes one of the most vulnerable segments of social life during war.

In the conditions of the threat of losing part of the cultural heritage, the meaning of this heritage is being rethought in society and an understanding of the importance of preserving and studying objects of historical, anthropological, ethnographic, and archaeological value is being formed. The future vectors of social consciousness will definitely be related to the development of critical thinking, awareness and control over things and events happening around. Cultural heritage and diversity will become one of the focuses of attention of the society of the new Ukraine. The struggle of Ukrainians for independence is also a struggle for humanistic values, among which respect for the cultural and natural heritage of mankind is of particular importance.


Ukrainian / English


Cite as:

Ivanova, O., Shydlovskyi, P. 2023. Protect the past - to save the future (Instead of a Foreword). VITA ANTIQUA, 14. Culture Heritage and the War : challenges and solutions.

The annual almanac considers the problems of protection and preservation of cultural heritage during the brutal aggression of the Russian Federation on Ukraine. The publication focuses on the destruction of the historical environment and archaeological objects in particular. Broad analogies are drawn with the preservation of cultural monuments during previous conflicts - during the Second World War and the conflict in the Balkans. The articles are devoted to the issues of the destruction of archaeological sites and the functioning of university museums during the Russian invasion, ...continue reading "Culture Heritage and the War: challenges and solutions. VITA ANTIQUA, 14. Kyiv: Center for Paleoethnological Research, 2023"

VITA ANTIQUA,                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research

VITA ANTIQUA 13, 2021. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments.
List of scientific works of Mykhailo I. Gladkikh

Compiler Marharyta Chymyrys
Taras Shevchenko National University
ORCID: 0000-0002-4177-5246


Language: Ukranian

List of scientific works List of scientific works

Cite as:

Chymyrys, M. 2021. List of scientific works of Mykhailo I. Gladkikh. VITA ANTIUA, 13. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments, pp. 9-22.

VITA ANTIQUA,                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research

VITA ANTIQUA 13, 2021. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments.
Lithic processing complex of the fourth dwelling of the Mezhyrich Upper Palaeolithic settlement

Tsvirkun Ostap¹, Pavlo Shydlovskyi², Dudnyk Diana³, Marharyta Chymyrys4

¹ National Museum of the History of Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-3265-2471

²,4 Taras Shevchenko National University
ORCID: 0000-0001-6771-812X
ORCID: 0000-0002-4177-5246

³Institute for Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4ORCID: 0000-0003-0855-3219


In order to determine the degree of relatedness of archaeological sites, it is important to study lithic assemblages originated from relatively closed archaeological objects and which can serve as a reference for a comparative analysis of several industries. This article analyses a separate archaeological object – a flint Workshop 1 – against the background of the overall structure of the lithic assemblage of the fourth household unit.

The Workshop 1 was discovered during the excavations of the fourth dwelling of the Mezhyrich epigravettian site in 2018-2020. The history of the study of this dwelling and lithic assemblage of the fourth unit, the conditions of detection and the context of the Workshop 1 location, the typological-statistical and technological features of the flint artifacts, obtained as a result of the latest excavations of the fourth dwelling filling, are given.

Analysis of the distribution of finds together with stratigraphic observations allow us to assert at least two living surfaces into the dwelling. Planigraphic features of the trench studied in dwelling demonstrate the functional specialization of different parts of the interior space. The study revealed two different areas on both sides of the central part with the remains of the hearth. Cultural remains in the south-western part testify to fur and leather processing operations here, while in the north-eastern part of the trench there is clear evidence of flint knapping operations and the manufacture of tools, which in turn related to leather processing.

Data on the spatial distribution of flint products in other dwellings of the Mezhyrich settlement reveal common features in the organization of living space. Such peculiarities of the behaviour of the prehistoric inhabitants require the search for more distant analogies on the mezhyrichian industry sites and among the Upper Palaeolithic population of Eastern Europe in general.

Keywords: Upper Palaeolithic, Epigravettian, household unit, workshop, lithic technology.

Language: Ukranian


Cite as:

Tsvirkun, O., Shydlovskyi, Dudnyk, D., Chymyrys, M. 2021. Lithic processing complex
of the fourth dwelling of the Mezhyrich Upper Palaeolithic settlement. VITA ANTIUA, 13. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments, pp. 55-86.


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Snider, J. 1994. Restavratsionnaia rabota na stoianke Mezhirich. Appendix 6. In: Kornietz, N.L. Otchet o rabote na pozdnepaleoliticheskoy stoyanke Mezhirich v 1993 godu. Kyiv: Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archaeology of the NAS of Ukraine, f. 64, 1993/129, s. 40-43.

Soffer, O. 1993. Vozrast stoianki po dannym radiouglerodnogo analiza (C 14). Appendix 3. In: Kornietz, N.L. Otchet o rabote na pozdnepaleoliticheskoi stoianke Mezhirich v 1992 godu. Kyiv: Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archaeology of the NAS of Ukraine, f. 64, 1992/181, s. 25-27.

Chabai, V.P., Stupak, D.V., Veselskyi, A.P., Dudnyk, D.V. 2020. The cultural and chronological variability of the epigravettian of the Middle Dnieper basin. Arkheolohiia, 2, s. 5-31, doi:10.15407/archaeologyua2020.02.005

Shydlovskyi, P.S. 2013. Doslidzhennya ta problemy zberezhennya Mezhyrits’koho poselennya myslyvtsiv na mamontiv. Pratsi NDI pamiatkoohoronnykh doslidzhen, 8 pp. 567-581. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1188708

Shydlovskyi, P.S. 2020. Myslyvtsi na mamontiv baseinu Dnipra. K.: VPTs Kyiv University, 140 s. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5515482

Shydlovskyi, P., Péan, S., Demay, L., Crépin, L., Tsvirkun, O., Chymyrys, M., Mamchur, B. 2020. Ponovlennia doslidzhen chetvertoho mezhyritskoho zhytla. In: Boltryk, Yu.V. (ed.). Arkheolohichni doslidzhennia v Ukraini 2018, s. 244-247. doi: doi:10.5281/zenodo.3751600

Shydlovskyi, P., Péan, S., Haesaerts, P., Tsvirkun, O., Chymyrys, M., Mamchur, B. 2020. Suchasni doslidzhennia Mezhyritskoi stoianky. In: Boltryk, Yu.V. (ed.). Arkheolohichni doslidzhennia v Ukraini 2019, s. 353-357.

Haesaerts, P., Péan, S., Valladas, H., Damblon, F., Nuzhnyi, D. 2015. Contribution à la stratigraphie du site paléolithique de Mezhyrich (Ukraine), L’anthropologie, 119(4) (Septembre-Octobre 2015), p. 364-393.

Komar, M.S., Kornietz, N.L., Nuzhnyi, D.Yu., Péan, S. 2003. Mezhirich Upper Paleolithic Site: the reconstruction of environmental conditions of the Late Pleistocene and human adaptation in the Middle Dnieper basin (Northern Ukraine). Кам’яна доба України, 4, с. 262-277.

Lozovski, V.M., Lozovskaya, O.V. 2014. Analyse du débitage laminaire du site de Mezhyrich : habitations no 1, 2 et 3. L’Anthropologie, Vol. 118(5) (Novembre–Décembre 2014), p. 495-503. doi:10.1016/j.anthro.2014.10.009

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Shydlovskyi, P., Péan, S., Crépin, L., Tsvirkun, O. 2018. Investigating a Prehistoric mammoth bone dwelling: from field and lab research to education. Quaternary Perspectives, 25 (2), p. 18-19. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2631382

Shydlovskyi, P.S., Tsvirkun, O.I., Péan, S., Chymyrys, M.V., Mamchur, B.V. 2019. New Study of Fourth Dwelling from Mezhyrich Upper Palaeolithic Campsite: the results of International Summer School activity. VITA ANTIQUA, 11, p. 92-115. doi:10.37098/VA-2019-11-92-115

Soffer, O., Adovasio, J.M., Kornietz, N.L., Velichko, A.A., Gribchenko, Yu.N., Brett, R.L., Suntsov, V.Yu. 1997. Cultural stratigraphy at Mezhirich, an Upper Paleolithic site in Ukraine with multiple occupations. Antiquity, Vol. 71, Issue 271, p. 48-62. doi:10.1017/S0003598X00084532

VITA ANTIQUA,                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research

VITA ANTIQUA 13, 2021. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments.
Scientific substantiation of Mezhyrich settlement transfer to T. Shevchenko National Reserve

Pavlo Shydlovskyi¹, Mykola Chornyi²

¹ Taras Shevchenko National University
ORCID: 0000-0002-4177-5246

² Taras Shevchenko National Reserve


The Mezhyrich settlement is a unique vestige of prehistoric archaeology, dating back from 18 to 13 ka BP. This site is of worldwide importance due to its archaeological, anthropological, cultural value and which is an important source for revealing the issues of nature and society relationships in prehistoric times. A striking feature of the Mezhyrich settlement is the discovery of the remains of mammoth bone dwelling structures and a good state of preservation of cultural layers with faunal remains, bone, tusk and lithic artifacts. Since the discovery of the site in 1965, archaeological excavations have uncovered the remains of four Palaeolithic dwellings and a number of pits, workshops and plots of cultural layers around them. In the settlement are the remains of a fourth mammoth bone dwelling, which was discovered and partially explored by Prof. Mykhailo I. Gladkikh from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In order to preserve the settlement and avoid its further destruction, it is necessary to carry out a number of site protection measures. Namely: 1) to take legal and organizational measures to address the issue of establishing a museum on the site as a subdivision of the T. Shevchenko National Reserve; 2) museification of the remains of the fourth mammoth bone dwelling, as a central element of the ‘Archaeopark of prehistoric culture’; 3) continuation of archaeological and restoration works on the remains of dwelling. The final solution to the problem of preserving the remains of Palaeolithic housing should be the construction of a stationary museum building over the dwelling and surrounding cultural layers, which would have the necessary temperature and humidity and would meet the standards of museum building.

It will be problematic to preserve the Mezhyrich assemblage without further efforts in the direction of museifica­ tion. After all, the exposure of a mammoth bone dwelling in the open state requires a whole set of actions, which in­ volves the restoration of bone remains on site with a parallel archaeological study of the interior and the surrounding area. The T. Shevchenko National Reserve can realize the application of the whole complex of site protection measures and the museification of the Mezhyrich assemblage through the including of this outstanding archeological monu­ ment to its territory.

Keywords: archeological monument of national value, Upper Palaeolithic, museification, reserve, site protection studies

Language: English


Cite as:

Shydlovskyi, P., Chornyi, M. 2021. Scientific substantiation of Mezhyrich settlement transfer to T. Shevchenko National Reserve. VITA ANTIUA, 13. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments, pp. 157-168.


Gladkikh, M.I. 1991. Istorychna interpretatsiia piznoho paleolitu (za materialamy terytorii Ukrainy): Prepr. Kyiv: NMK VO.

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Pidoplichko, I.G. 1969. Pozdnepaleoliticheskie zhilishcha iz kostej mamonta na Ukraine. Kyiv: Naukova dumka.

Pidoplichko, I.G. 1976. Mezhirichskie zhilishcha iz kostej mamonta. Kyiv: Naukova dumka.

Samoilenko, L.H., Shydlovskyi, P.S. 2016. Mezhyritska stoianka: yake maibutnie v nashoho mynuloho? (Mezhyrich settlement: What will be the future of our past?). Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, History, 4(131), s. 62–69. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1206223

Chornyi, M.H. 2021. Cherkashchyna: vybir stratehii rehionu. In: Chepura, F.M. (ed.). Stratehii staloho rozvytku v turyzmi ta hotelno-restorannomu biznesi: mozhlyvosti i problemy zaprovadzhennia v Ukraini: kol. monohrafiia. Cherkas. derzh. tekhnol. un-t., Kharkiv: SH NTM «Novyi kurs», s. 33-40.

Chornyi, M.H, Chorna, L.O., Hryshchenko, V.M., Shevchyk, V.L. et al. 2012. Chornyi, M.H. (ed.). Zapovidna Cherkashchyna: istoriia, sohodennia, maibutnie: naukovo-dovidkove vydannia. Cherkasy: Brama-Ukraina, 200 s.

Chornyi, M.H., Chorna, L.O. 2013. Kanivskyi pryrodnyi zapovidnyk: peredumovy stvorennia, retrospektyvnyi analiz diialnosti, suchasnyi stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku: monohrafiia. Kyiv: VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet», 384 s.

Shydlovskyi, P. 2013. Doslidzhennia ta problemy zberezhennia Mezhyritskoho poselennia myslyvtsiv na mamontiv. Pratsi NDI pamiatkookhoronnykh doslidzhen, vyp. 8, s. 567–581. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1188708

Shydlovskyi, P., Péan, S., Demay, L., Crepin, L., Tsvirkun, O., Chymyrys, M., Mamchur, B. 2020. Ponovlennia doslidzhen chetvertoho Mezhyritskoho zhytla. Arkheolohichni doslidzhennia v Ukraini, 2018, s. 244–247. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3751600

Shydlovskyi, P., Synytsia, Ye., Tarakhan-Bereza, Z. 2018. Arkheolohichne mynule Kanivshchyny. In: Tarakhan-Bereza, Z. Sviatynia: Chernecha hora ta starodavnii monastyr Kanivskyi. Cherkasy: IntroligaTOR, s. 7-16. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1432771

Shydlovskyi, P., Péan, S., Crepin, L., Tsvirkun, O. 2018. Investigating a Prehistoric mammoth bone dwelling: from field and lab research to education. Quaternary Perspectives, 25(2), p. 18–19. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2631382

Shydlovskyi, P.S., Tsvirkun, O.I., Péan, S., Chymyrys, M.V., Mamchur, B.V. 2019. New Study of Fourth Dwelling from Mezhyrich Upper Palaeolithic Campsite: the results of International Summer School activity. VITA ANTIQUA 11. Archaeology, Museum & Monument Studies: educational and research aspects, s. 92-115. doi:10.37098/VA-2019-11-92-115

VITA ANTIQUA,                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research

VITA ANTIQUA 13, 2021. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments.
New data on flint processing of East Trypillia tribes of the Bug-Dnieper interfluve

Yevhen Pichkur
Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-5087-5548


For the first time, materials of such settlements of the East Trypillia culture as Trostyanchyk, Onopriyivka І are published. Despite approximately the same quantitative ratio, even at first glance, the materials of these two leaflets differ significantly from each other. The Trostyanchyk complex is actually blade-type: blades prevail both among production waste and among the tool kit. Flakes and tools on them dominate in Onopriyivka. If the Trostyanchyk complex can be regarded as “classic” in terms of the tool kit: retouched blades, end-scrapers, sickle inserts, perforators on blades, etc., then the Onopriyivka complex looks more primitive: retouched flakes, notched tools and scrapers on flakes, and others. In Onopriyivka, unlike Trostyanchyk, finds of weapons are completely absent. Products from Onopriyivka are made mainly of local raw materials, while in Trostyanchyk there are approximately equal parts of products from local and imported raw materials, and products from local flint are made as carefully as products from Volyn flint. At the same time, in both cases we can confidently speak of the local nature of production. This is evidenced by both the use of local flint raw material and the specific items present in both collections. In Trostyanchyk, as already mentioned, a hammerstone was found, in Onopriyivka — core-like fragments and chips of modify of  cores.

Such differences can be explained by both territorial and chronological discrepancies. Onopriyivka I is earlier, refers to the end of stage ВІ, Trostyanchyk — to the end of stage ВІІ. Trostyanchyk is located on the Southern Bug, Onopriyivka — in the Bugo-Dnieper interfluve. Although, perhaps, this situation is explained by the unevenness of the study of these sites.

In addition, materials from the Vladyslavchyk settlement are published for the first time.

Based on their analysis, using analogies from related and synchronous sites, the author tried to identify the features of the East Trypillia lithic industry in the Bug-Dnieper rivers interfluve. As it turned out, at the modern level, the identification of such features is not possible. The materials of the East Trypillia culture of the region are, on the whole, more similar to the materials of the settlements of the West Trypillia culture, than to related sites on the Southern Bug.

Keywords: East Trypillia culture, Kukuten`-Trypillya, production, flint processing, Bug-Dnieper interfluve.

Language: Ukranian


Cite as:
Pichkur, Ye. 2021. New data on flint processing of East Trypillia tribes of the Bug-Dnieper interfluve. VITA ANTIQUA, 13. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments, pp. 113-128.


Burdo, N.B. 2021. Skhidnotrypil`s`ka i zakhidnotrypil`s`ka kul`tury: mif chy real`nist`? Arkheolohiya i davnya istoriya Ukrayiny, 2 (39), s. 350-359.

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Pichkur, Ye.V. 2019. Skladovi kremenevoyi industriyi kukuten`-trypil`s`koyi spil`noty: vydobutok ta poshyrennya kremenyu. Arkheolohiya i davnya istoriya Ukrayiny, 3 (32), s. 37-49. doi:10.37445/adiu.2019.03.03

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Pichkur, Ye.V., Shydlovskyi, P.S. 2003. Kompleks kremeneobrobky na poselenni Pekari II. In: Korvin-iotrovskyi, O.H., Kruts, V.O., Ryzhov, S.M. (eds.). Trypilski poselennia-hihanty (Materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovoi konferentsii). Kyiv: Korvin-Press, s. 121-129.

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Hofmann, R., Shatilo, L.O., Pichkur, Ye.V. 2019. Novi rozvidky na trypil`s`kykh poselennyakh Buho-Dniprovs`koho mezhyrichchya: kolektsiya krem’yanykh znakhidok. Vita Antiqua, 11, s. 144-158. doi:10.37098/VA-2019-11-144-158

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VITA ANTIQUA,                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research

VITA ANTIQUA 13, 2021. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments.
To the 80th anniversary of Mykhailo Gladkikh

Marharyta Chymyrys¹, Pavlo Shydlovskyi², Serhiy Ryzhov³
¹,²,³ Taras Shevchenko National University
¹ORCID: 0000-0002-4177-5246
²ORCID: 0000-0001-6771-812X
³ORCID: 0000-0002-3229-1020


The current issue of VITA ANTIQUA is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor of the Department of Archaeology and Museum Studies, Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Doctor of History, well known in Ukraine and abroad specialist in prehistoric archaeology Mykhailo Ivanovych Gladkikh.

The topics of the collection covers the periods from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Chalcolithic of Eastern Europe. The articles consider the problems of paleoecology and cultural adaptation of hunter-gatherers and early farmers to different natural and climatic conditions during the Upper Pleistocene – Early Holocene. The issues of the appearance of the first residential constructions are raised, the peculiarities of the development of the material culture of prehistoric societies on the territory of Ukraine are considered.

Language: Ukranian/English

To the 80th To the 80th

Cite as:

Chymyrys, M., Shydlovskyi, P., Ryzhov, S. 2021. To the 80th anniversary of Mykhailo Gladkikh (instead of a foreword). VITA ANTIUA, 13. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments, pp. 9-22.

VITA ANTIQUA,                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research

VITA ANTIQUA 13, 2021. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments.
Early mesolitic habitation in the Shpan-Koba Grotto (Crimea, Ukraine)

Oleksander Yanevich
Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-8088-6950


Shpan-Koba Grotto is currently the only stratified Mesolithic and Neolithic site on the plateau of the First Range of the Crimean Mountains (Yayla). Lower Early Mesolithic cultural layers of the site (archaeological unit 3) have exceptional preservation due to the rapid accumulation of sediment and infrequent settlement of the grotto. Their planigraphy, number and composition of the artifacts can tell about the peculiarities of the economical use of the landscapes and rock shelter of the Crimean highlands at that time.

Cultural layers of archaeological unit 3 date back to time from 11500 to 7600 years cal BP, which belongs to Early Preborial. At this time, the climate was colder and wetter than today, the plateau of the Yayla around Shpan-Koba was covered by mesofit steppes, pine, birch and juniper grew on the slopes of the mountains. According to archaeozoological data, the fauna of the Yayla included such representatives of steppe landscapes as saiga and horse, and simultaneously typical forest animals — red deer, brown bear and lynx.

All cultural layers of the unit 3 are very similar. They belong to the type of «ephemeral»: are represented by small fires, few bones of hunted animals and single flint artifacts. The layers were left by the bearers of the Swiderian culture, due to very few flint artifacts, among them: swidrian points, segment, backed blades, straight dihedral burin, endscrapers. More than half of the found flint artifacts are retouched tools, the rest — blades and flakes, have the traces of use in the form of macro retouch. Such composition of the flint inventory indicates on the hunters (“expeditional”)
character of the habitations in the Shpan-Koba grotto.

The planigraphy of all layers of the unit 3 was similar too. It corresponds to classic ethnographical «Drop-Toss model» be L. Binford, which describe the organization of the living space around the hearth by a group of people from one to five people (Binford 1978; 1983). The central object in each of the cultural layers was one hearth about one meter in diameter with the thin charcoal lens and little piece of burned clay under it. Three concentric zones were traced around the hearths on the western, southern, and southeastern sides: 1) without artifacts; 2) with little bones and flint artifacts (Drop zone); 3) with bigger bones (Toss zone). The «asymmetrical» location of the finds in relation to the hearths indicates the absence of artificial housing in the grotto. The only exception is the habitation of the 3-5/6 cultural layer, in which a small wall of stones was excavated. For it, the «symmetrical» location of the finds around the hearths can be assumed to be an artificial structure made of plant materials, such as a brush windbreak or a hut. The windbreak could also exist in the habitation of layer 3-2, judging by the lack of a Toss zone in the south-western part.

The presence of only one hearth in each of the cultural layers, the location of the artifacts relative to the hearth and their number, the composition of hunting prey, etc., evidence, that Shpan-Koba grotto in the Early Mesolithic was used as dwelling of little group (4—5 people). The occupation, probably, was very short terming, due to small and lowpower fires, very few bones of animals and single flint artifacts, which were found in сertain layers. Their purpose was recreation, skinning and butchering of hunting prey, repair of hunting equipment and more.

Seasonality of the Early Mesolithic dwellings in the grotto, due to archaeozoological data, fall on warm time — spring and summer (Benecke 1999, s 83, abb. 10). The aim of the swidrian people’s hunting expeditions to Yaila was hunting, first, on the saiga and red deer, which migrated from from the steppes of northern Crimea. The number of the red deer also increased in the First Range of the Crimean Mountains during warm seasons. The bones of the brown bear in many layers suggest that it was also an attractive prey.

Keywords: Crimea, Ukraine, Early Mesolithic, habitation, seasonal migrations, Swiderian.

Language: Ukranian


Cite as:

Yanevich, O. Early mesolitic habilitation in the Snap_koba Grotto (Crimea, Ukraine). VITA ANTIQUA, 13. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments, pp. 87-111.


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