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VITA ANTIQUA,                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research

VITA ANTIQUA 13, 2021. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments.
Environmental factors in the development of primitive society in the prehistory

Mykhaylo Gladkikh¹, Serhiy Ryzhov²
¹,² Taras Shevchenko National University
² ORCID: 0000-0002-3229-1020


The paper considers the problem of interaction between nature and primitive society in early prehistory in terms of an adaptive model. In Ukrainian historical science there was not enough attention to studying the problems of cultural adaptation to the environment.
The authors offer the model of development of the behavior of hunters gathered on the example of neighboring geographic regions, which were under pressure from various natural and climatic conditions: Central Europe during the last interglacial and territory of modern Ukraine during the last glacial.
During the last interglacial of the Pleistocene in the Palaeolithic sites of Central Europe the characteristic features of cultural adaptation of Homo Sapiens are traced. First of all, they are found in the choice of place of residence, in the specialization of animal hunting, in the use of raw materials and in separate manifestations of material and spiritual culture.
On the Upper Palaeolithic sites of the territory of Ukraine during the last glacial the composition of faunal remains reflects not so much the environment as the direction of its economic activity. The richness of the fauna, on the one hand, opened opportunities for progress in the extensive development of the economy, and on the other - specialized hunting contributed to a fuller exploitation of the surrounding area, the use of ancient ecological niches.
The nature of the interaction of economic and cultural type and historical and ethnographic community determines the specific features of the material culture of Paleolithic society.
The following actual materials are indicated on the flexibility of hominins in various natural and geographical conditions of Central and Eastern Europe, which eventually provided in the historical prospect of the widespread settlement of humanity throughout the world.

Keywords: cultural adaptation, primitive society, environmental, hunter-gatherers, glacial, interglacial.

Language: Ukranian


Cite as:

Gladkikh, M., Ryzhov, S. 2021. Environmental factors in the development of primitive society in the prehistory. VITA ANTIQUA, 13. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments, pp. 31-42.


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VITA ANTIQUA,                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research

VITA ANTIQUA 13, 2021. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments.
The earliest evidence for dwelling construction in the Upper Palaeolithic of the Eastern Europe: a 30,000-year-old surface structure from Mira layer I

Vadym Stepanchuk
Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-5476-2284


The purpose of this article is to present data on the surface structure identified in the upper layer of the Mira site in the Dnieper valley. The occupation of layer I, based on a set of consistent data, constitutes the re- mains of a seasonal winter camp of Pleistocene horse hunters. Ten available radiocarbon dates place the calibrated age of layer I between 31,000 to 28,000 cal BP. The rapid albeit gentle overlapping of the settlement remains with alluvial sediments ensured that the original settlement and dwelling patterns and their elements survived well. Thanks to this, it is possible to reconstruct some significant aspects of the construction process, as well as details of the arrangement of the dwelling’s interior space. A 30,000-year-old, permanent skeleton cylindrical yaranga type surface construction from Mira layer I is currently representing the oldest dwelling known in the Upper Palaeolithic of Ukraine and a broader context of the steppe zone of the East European plain.

Keywords: Upper Palaeolithic, surface dwelling, Eastern Europe.

Language: English


Cite as:
Stepanchyk, V. 2021. The earliest evidence for dwelling construction in the Upper Palaeolithic of the Eastern Europe: a 30,000-year-old surface structure from Mira layer I. VITA ANTIQUA, 13. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments, pp. 43-53.


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VITA ANTIQUA,                                                                        ISSN 2522-9419 (Online), 2519-4542 (Print)
Center for Paleoethnological research

VITA ANTIQUA 13, 2021. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments.
The results of investigations at the tripole settlement of Hordashivka II in Cherkassy region

Valentyna Shumova
National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
ORCID: 0000-0003-0176-7468


Rescue archaeological excavations at the Tripolye settlement of Hordasivka II (Zvenigorodka district, Cherkassy region) were started in 1996. This settlement is located at western bank of Gornyj Tikich river, in 2.5 km to the west from the south-eastern edge of the village. It is placed on a part of plateau formed by the creek valley from the north and long cavin from the east. Visual observations indicate elliptic structure composed of a single row of dwellings. Settlement size did not exceed 3 ha.

The rectangular-shaped Dwelling 1 excavated in Hordashivka (12.5 x 5.0 m) was oriented from north-west to south-east. It is reconstructed as a house with the lower storey’s floor covered by clay and massive ceiling of the lower storey (= floor of the upper storey). Most of the interior details were found on the floor of the lower storey. These are the fireplace, working space, elevations.

Collection of finds is mostly represented by pottery (70% of the assemblage is referred to kitchen pottery and 30% of the assemblage is referred to table pottery). Part of the table pottery is decorated in black monochromic painting. Analysis of ceramics allows dating the settlement to Tripolye C II. Considering the relative and absolute chronology (radiocarbon dates obtained for Sharin III), this site may be dated to c. 3400 – 3200 BC. Materials from Hordashivka are “genetically” linked to post-Kosenovskaya group populations in the Southern Bug and Dnieper interfluve. This is traced by the specifics of the technology of vessels production and their decoration. It is important to admit ceramic influences from Sofievskaya group populations in the Middle Dnieper region. Settlements which are chronologically similar to Hordashivka II in the Southern Bug and Dnieper interfluve are not numerous. Later sites in this area are not known, while Tripolye traditions continued in other regions.

Keywords: Hordasivka-II, Late Tripolye (C II), settlements, houses, reconstruction, ceramics, chronology.

Language: Ukranian


Cite as:

Shumova, V. 2021. The results of investigations at the tripole settlement of Hordashivka II in Cherkassy region. Vita Antiqua, 13. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments, pp. 129-137.


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VITA ANTIQUA, 12 (2020)                                                      ISSN 2522-9419 (online), ISSN 2519-4542 (print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 12, 2020, Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies.

Materials of the session ‘The Climate Impact on European Neolithic Societies During the 8.2-ky BP Events Near River Basins and Lakes’. #Networking, 26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (August 24-30, 2020)

International educational project «Nature and Society in Prehistoric Europe», 91-105

Pavlo Shydlovskyi1, Marta Arzarello2, Sara Garcês3, Albert Hafner4, Marie-Hélène Moncel5, Stéphane Péan6, Marta Połtowicz-Bobak7, Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka8, Vitalii Usik9

1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine) ORCID0000-0001-6771-812X
2University of Ferrara (Italy) ORCID: 0000–0003–3379–1112
3Polytechnic Institute of Tomar; Geosciences Centre University of Coimbra; Instituto Terra e Memória (Portugal) ORCID: 0000–0003–0822–5012
4Director of Institute of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bern, Bern (Switzerland) ORCID: 0000–0003–2159–8569
5National Museum of Natural History, (France) ORCID: 0000–0001–6203–786X
6National Museum of Natural History, (France)
7University of Rzeszów (Poland) ORCID: 0000–0003–1973–4971
8Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) ORCID0000–0001–5913–1177
9Archaeological Museum, Institute of archaeology of NAS Ukraine ORCID: 0000-0002-2671-3485



The stressful situation caused by the pandemic has become a powerful factor for the introduction of new methods and forms of education. The field of archaeological education was no exception. Creating online courses in archaeology and prehistory has its own specifics, which is manifested in the complexity of transmitting information about artefacts and field objects remotely. The project is to create a training course «Nature and society in Prehistoric Europe» through the creation of multimedia products such as video lectures, visual materials and online publications, which will widely present data and research results from Europe and Ukraine in particular. The main purpose of the course is to combine science and education through the interaction of student audiences with the professional environment by transmitting scientifically significant and relevant information about the interaction of society and nature from researchers to students and young scientists. In connection with the transfer of the learning process and the work of higher education institutions online, the project plans to develop multimedia materials that would provide professional delivery of knowledge and interaction between teacher and student.

Priority objectives of the project:

- Getting to know the professional cultures of the EU. In the course of the project implementation, the presentations and lectures of key speakers — leading scientists and teachers of European higher education institutions will be listened to and considered. Constant communication, joint seminars and consultations will allow better understanding and feeling the peculiarities of teaching practices in different European countries, to see the ethics of communication between teacher and student, to learn from the best methods of developing lectures and presentations.

— Practices and principles of teaching in the EU. In the process of creating a multimedia course, students and young prehistorians will have direct communication with outstanding scientists and teachers in this field, which will ensure the direct transfer of scientific experience and information to students.

— Foreign language learning and multilingual education. When creating a course at the seminars there will be communication in English. The participation of students and young scientists will help them to navigate in modern terminology and increase their ability to absorb information presented in a non-native language.

— Online education. The result of the project will be an online product in the form of a multimedia course, a gallery of photos and digital illustrations and an online publication of a collection of scientific articles.

This course establish close cooperation with representatives of educational institutions in France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland and Ukraine, which will in the future create a consortium of teachers specializing in the interaction of nature and society in different historical epochs.

Key words: archaeological education, prehistory, paleoecology, institute of higher education, multimedia course

Language: English/Ukrainian


Cite as:

Shydlovskyi, P., Arzarello, M., Garcês, S., Hafner, A., Moncel, M-H., Péan, S., Połtowicz-Bobak, M., Sobkowiak-Tabaka, I., Usik, V. 2020. International educational project “Nature and Society in Prehistoric Europe”. VITA ANTIQUA 12. Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies, p. 91-105.

References (lectures):

Arzarello, Marta (2021). The first European peopling: migration routes and behavior,

Garcês, Sara (2021). Crossing bridges, from Mesolithic to new horizons: identifying changes in the Tagus rock art tradition,

Hafner, Albert (2021). Tracing human mobility and migration in the Holocene,

Moncel, Marie-Hélène (2021). Strategies of Neanderthal occupations from the MIS 5 to 3 at the Abri du Maras (South-East France),

Péan, Stéphane (2021). Zooarchaeological methods: reconstitute relationships between Palaeolithic humans and other mammals,

Połtowicz-Bobak, Marta (2021). On the contact of two worlds: eastern borders of the Magdalenian complex,

Shydlovskyi, Pavlo (2021). Mammoth hunters of Dnieper basin. Human-environmental interaction in the end of the last glaciation,

Sobkowiak-Tabaka, Iwona (2021). Living on the edge. Late Palaeolithic communities on the North European Plain,

Usik, Vitalii (2021). Multilayer Palaeolithic Korolevo site (Transcarpathia, Ukraine): Through Time, Cultural Traditions and Technologies,


VITA ANTIQUA, 12 (2020)                                                      ISSN 2522-9419 (online), ISSN 2519-4542 (print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 12, 2020, Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies.
Materials of the session ‘The Climate Impact on European Neolithic Societies During the 8.2-ky BP Events Near River Basins and Lakes’. #Networking, 26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (August 24-30, 2020)
Kyiv Dnieper Region sites with Kukrek inventory in archeological and climate contexts, 41-71

Andrii Sorokun1
Pavlo Shydlovskyi2

1 Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
ORCID: 000-0002-8506-4817
2 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
ORCID: 0000-0001-6771-812X


Research in the field of paleoecology in recent years has confidently proven the vulnerability and sensitivity of human networks to climate and landscape changes. It is impossible to understand the processes of cultural dynamics, migration, ways of technology dissemination without the involvement of data from paleoclimatology and paleogeography. This is especially true in addressing the issues of gradualness - discontinuity in the development of cultural phenomena of the late Pleistocene - early Holocene.

The article presents an attempt to analyse the archaeological and climate backgrounds of the spread of Kukrek technocomplex together with the traditions of ceramic production in the Kyiv Dnieper Region. One of the main results of the study is the conclusion about the complexity of migration processes in the Early Holocene, which is manifested in significant variability of sites, and in various combinations of Janislawice, Kukrek, Bug-Dniester and Dnipro-Donetsk components in lithic and ceramic assemblages. Settlement dynamics was marked by significant fluctuations and uneven population of the Kyiv Dnieper Region. At the base of this dynamic was global climate change, the main ones being the coolings of the Young Dryas and the 6,200 BC event.

Key words: Early Holocene, Mesolithic, Neolithization, past global change, Kukrek, Janislawice, Middle Dnieper Region

Language: English


Cite as:

Sorokun, A., Shydlovskyi, P. 2020. Kyiv Dnieper Region sites with Kukrek inventory in archeological and climate contexts. VITA ANTIQUA 12. Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies, p. 41-71.


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VITA ANTIQUA, 12 (2020)                                                      ISSN 2522-9419 (online), ISSN 2519-4542 (print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 12, 2020, Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies.
Materials of the session ‘The Climate Impact on European Neolithic Societies During the 8.2-ky BP Events Near River Basins and Lakes’. #Networking, 26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (August 24-30, 2020).
The impact of Holocene climate setbacks on Neolithic societies in Eastern Europe: ways of scientific cooperation and exchange

Marta Andriiovych1
Pavlo Shydlovskyi2
Albert Hafner1

1University of Bern, Institute for Archaeological Sciences
2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic remind the scientific community that human-environment relations are of great social relevance. Societal crises, currently triggered by the emergence of unknown viruses or in the future by climate change, are essentially the result of widening human activities since the last 12,000 years. Therefore, research that examines the transformative phases in the evolution of human culture associated with past global climate changes has become particularly important in recent years.
The study of the interaction of nature and society in the Holocene was one of the tasks of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Institutional Partnership project “Network in Eastern European Neolithic and Wetland Archaeology for the improvement of field techniques and dating methods (NEENAWA)”. With the organisation of the session “The Climate Impact on European Neolithic Societies During the 8.2ky BP Events Near River Basins and Lakes” at the 26th Annual Virtual Conference of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA, 24-30 August 2020), issues related to the economy and ecology of Neolithic communities linked to water bodies were discussed. The publication of session materials will be important for the study of the local manifestations of the different responses of prehistoric societies to climate setbacks in the early Holocene. In order to unite science and training through the interaction of the student audience with the professional environment, the Centre for Palaeoethnological Research decided to develop a multimedia training course “Nature and Society in Prehistoric Europe” in 2021.
Key words: past climate changes, Holocene, prehistoric archaeology, scientific cooperation, educational project.

Language: English/Ukrainian


Cite as:

Andriiovych, M., Shydlovskyi, P., Hafner, A. 2020. The impact of Holocene climate setbacks on Neolithic societies in Eastern Europe: ways of scientific cooperation and exchange. VITA ANTIQUA 12. Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies, p. 7-14.


Andriiovych, M., Demchenko, O., Hinz, M. 2020. The climate impact on European Neolithic societies during the 8.2-ky BP events near river basins and lakes shores. In: #Networking. 26th EAA Virtual Annual Meeting – Abstract Book. Prague: EAA, p. 433-435.

Hafner, A., Dolbunova, E., Mazurkevich, A., Morozova, Y., Naumov, G., Nielsen, E., Shydlovskyi, P., Todoroska, V. 2020a. Network in Eastern European Neolithic and Wetland Archaeology. Scientific Cooperation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland (Bern Working Papers on Prehistoric Archaeology 3). Bern: Bern Open Publishing; Institute of Archaeological Sciences, .

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VITA ANTIQUA, 12 (2020)                                                      ISSN 2522-9419 (online), ISSN 2519-4542 (print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 12, 2020, Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies.
Materials of the session ‘The Climate Impact on European Neolithic Societies During the 8.2-ky BP Events Near River Basins and Lakes’. #Networking, 26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (August 24-30, 2020).
The transformation of the Neolithic population into tribes with the Mariupol type cemeteries after the cooling event 8.2 ky BP, 23-30

Marta Andriiovych
Institute for Archaeological Sciences, University of Bern
ORCID: 0000–0001–8950–4130


The climate has always played an important role in human existence from ancient times to the present. Climate change has always had a significant impact on the development of traditions and technologies in prehistoric times. The global cooling event 8200 Cal BP was one of the greatest climatic events of the Holocene, which had a significant impact on the Neolithic population of Southern and Eastern Europe, Antalya, the Middle East, and North Africa.

During the 160–400-year cooling phase, several major environmental changes took place, such as an increase in the ocean and seawater; cooling the average temperature by ~ 3,3+/–1,1° C; drought in North Africa and the Middle East. The cooling affected the transgression of the Black Sea, whose rapid rise in water levels affected the population of the northern Black Sea coast.

The sharp drainage of the climate between 43° – 50° N latitudes has caused active migration processes among the Neolithic population in Anatolia, the Balkans, the Danube, and the Steppe Black Sea coast.

On the territory of Ukraine, the cold event occurred during the transition from the Mesolithic to the Early Neolithic. Late Mesolithic Hrebenykz, Kukrek and Donetsk cultures coexisted with the early Neolithic tribes of the Bug-Dniester, Sursk and Azov-Dnieper cultures. Under the influence of changes in natural areas in the northern Black Sea coast and the arrival of a new population of migrants from Anatolia to the Balkans and the Danube, there are active waves of local migration to the Bug-Dniester interfluve and settlement of the Middle to Lower Dnieper steppe.

Simultaneously with the cooling, these societies underwent profound changes that could be caused by the settlement of new groups in the region. One of the "characteristics" of these new cultural groups is the production of ceramic objects, such as pottery and the spread of a new funeral tradition — straightened on the back with outstretched arms and legs, which becomes the main for Mariupol-type cemeteries.

Keywords: cooling event 8.2 ky cal BP; migration; Neolithic population; East Europe; Cemeteries of the Mariupol type.

Language: English


Cite as:

Andriiovych, M. 2020. The transformation of the Neolithic population into tribes with the Mariupol type cemeteries after the cooling event 8.2 ky BP. VITA ANTIQUA 12. Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies, p. 23-30.


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VITA ANTIQUA, 12 (2020)                                                      ISSN 2522-9419 (online), ISSN 2519-4542 (print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 12, 2020, Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies.
Materials of the session ‘The Climate Impact on European Neolithic Societies During the 8.2-ky BP Events Near River Basins and Lakes’. #Networking, 26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (August 24-30, 2020)
Catastrophic changes in vegetation ca. 8.2 ka & Lake Settlements in the Volga-Oka region (based on the site Zamostje 2), 73-89.

Lozovskaya Olga¹, Ershova Ekaterina²-
¹Institute for the History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences
¹ORCID: 0000-0001-5536-0773
²-Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University
²-ORCID: 0000-0002-5421-9572


The most important changes in the economy and material culture in foraging societies of the Eastern Europe forest zone on the eve of the spread of ceramic production coincided with the 8.2 ka Cold Event and its consequences. We consider these changes in the local example of the site Zamostje 2 located in Volga-Oka region, using results of long-time multidisciplinary research. Findings of our archaeological and paleoecological studies and comparison with regional data draw a picture of local changes in the context of ecological instability and discontinuity of material culture traditions in the second half of the 7th – beginning of the 6th mil. Cal BC.

Keywords: 8.2 ka Cold Event, paleoenvironmental changes, Upper Volga region, Late Mesolithic, last hunter-gatherer societies, lake settlement Zamostje 2.

Language: English


Cite as:
Lozovskaya, O., Ershova, E. 2020. Catastrophic changes in vegetation ca. 8.2 ka & Lake Settlements in the Volga-Oka region (based on the site Zamostje 2. VITA ANTIQUA 12. Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies, p. 73-89.


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VITA ANTIQUA, 12 (2020)                                                      ISSN 2522-9419 (online), ISSN 2519-4542 (print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 12, 2020, Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies.
Materials of the session ‘The Climate Impact on European Neolithic Societies During the 8.2-ky BP Events Near River Basins and Lakes’. #Networking, 26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (August 24-30, 2020).
Rapid climatic event 8200 cal BP and social dynamics in North-Westernn Pontic region, 31-39

Kiosak Dmytro¹, Ivanova Svitlana², Matviishyna Zhanna³
¹I.I. Mechnikov National University (Odessa, Ukraine)
¹ORCID: 0000-0002-3349-4989
²Institute of archaeology of NAS Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
²ORCID: 0000-0002-3318-8244
³Institute of geography of NAS Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)


The article treats the archaeological record of North-Western Pontic region in search of traces of 8200 calBP event. The two different approaches are applied: summation of 14C dates and a site-oriented approach. In the framework of the latter we refer to materials of Melnychna Krucha site, which contains a sequence covering 7500-1200 y. BCE. Twelve AMS dates highlight the probable gap in the sequence of human habitation on the site around 6250-6000 y. BCE, around the expected timing of the paleoclimatic oscillation. It seems that the event was accompanied by drastic changes in the watering of major rivers of Northern Pontic area like Southern Buh or Dnieper.

Keywords: abrupt climate change, radiocarbon dating, subsistence patterns, soil sequence.

Language: English


Cite as:

Kiosak, D., Ivanova, S., Matviishyna, Zh. 2020. Rapid climatic event 8200 cal BP and social dynamics in North-Westernn Pontic region. VITA ANTIQUA 12. Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies, p. 31-39.


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VITA ANTIQUA, 12 (2020)                                                      ISSN 2522-9419 (online), ISSN 2519-4542 (print)
Center for Paleoethnological Research

VITA ANTIQUA 12, 2020, Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies.
Materials of the session ‘The Climate Impact on European Neolithic Societies During the 8.2-ky BP Events Near River Basins and Lakes’. #Networking, 26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (August 24-30, 2020)
Some remarks on climate impact on prehistoric societies, 15-22

Sławomir Kadrow
Institute of Archaeology, Rzeszуw University
ORCID: 0000-0002-7169-1027


In some archaeological studies there is a tendency emphasize climate with special strength as a driving force of cultural change in studies covering larger areas over longer periods of time. Migrations are often linked to climate change. In contrast, in small-region studies, researchers are more likely to explore internal factors of change, such as inequality and conflict. On the other hand, in publications postulating the impact of climate on changes in prehistoric societies, it is quite easy to notice the dependence of their authors on a specific theoretical option. For this reason, this article provides an overview of them (classical evolutionism, anthropo-geography, culture-historical school, some processualists). For the same reason, selected examples of positive references to climate as a driving force for change and examples where researchers point to other causes are included here. The conclusion stated that even the best documented influence of climatic factors did not affect people directly. As a component of the natural environment that remains outside human culture, climate cannot influence migration or culture change directly. It is part of so called border conditions of cultural and civilizational phenomena, and it may be a necessary condition of cultural change, but never its sufficient condition. Reconstruction of necessary and sufficient conditions requires knowledge of images of the world prevalent in a given society, which involve moral and practical suggestions about how to solve organizational and legal problems in an essential framework of world – view and religion.

Keywords: climate, migrations, culture change, theoretical options, social conflict.

Language: English


Cite as:

Kadrow S. 2020. Some remarks on climate impact on prehistoric societies. VITA ANTIQUA 12. Climate Impact on East European Neolithic Societies, p. 15-22.


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